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Why I picked my avatar? Can you guess

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Just putting this challenge out there to anyone who can guess why we picked this avatar for our New Account on the forum. It actually has many connotations and meanings to us. I'd like to hear what you think of the couple trying to eat an apple held from a string with no hands, means to us in regards to the swinging world. I've tried this before and its HARD to eat an apple this way! :cool: I'll post reply to thread later giving my own answer. Thanks in advance for participating

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The first thought I had was that it was a play on the Nasca symbol where in this case where the man and woman both take a bite out of the apple, and it's also interesting how the apple swings between them. I also had the same thoughts as exploringRM.

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First its the apple that got me. The whole forbidden fruit thing seemed appropriate for the swinging lifestyle. 2nd there was just something very erotic about a couple eating an apple together. 3rd Do you know how darn hard it is to eat an apple hanging on a string by yourself? So the whole together in cooperation thing is there symbolically. (yeah I think to much). And also as an afterthought to the main points above, me and my wife get to taste the same fruit together if you know what I mean.:D



P.S. exploringRM & aliloeverything a win No Prize for guessing some of the main points of why I picked the avatar.

Edited by sexycouple1

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