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Online Chat Rooms

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I've done online chat on and off since the mid-90s. I jump into the various chat rooms of the swing sites we belong too, looking to just talk about swinging in general and perhaps have a chance to talk to people that are not far away, see if there is any interest in meeting. But it's more of a social thing for me, not looking to cam (will scare people!), do cyber-sex (enjoy real sex with real people)


Most of the people online are friendly, polite..but geez there are some that are a real pain:


  • The winers and complainers. They can't meet anyone, don't like the swing site, there are nothing but fakers here, etc.
  • The people that get on their high horse. I was watching a chatter go off on why women have to shave their pubic hair...just on and on and on..(sort of like my rant...lol)
  • The people who think their tastes in swinging is THE only way to go.
  • The instant gratification folks. "Hi looking for a couple to fuck now!"
  • The singe guys using couple's profiles.
  • The rudeness that people use, hiding behind the chat. We're a couple, but I'm the one that does the online swinging tasks. So it's just me chatting. People initiate a private chat and get pissed off that both of us are not chatting. I am up front about that, so rather than an Ok no thanks you get some rude remark.


I have made a few contacts via the online chat, so I feel it's mostly worth it but it's like being up to your ass in alligators in these rooms!

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The irritating stuff is a little more difficult to ignore when it come up in a chat room. When you read it in a posted message, you can just scroll down to the next message. When you read it in an on-line profile, you can simply chuckle to yourself and ignore it.


Now, speaking of instant messaging and men pretending to be women and related stuff, JoAnn and I have noticed that we have had no calls at Swinglifestyle in a long time from any single-male profiles. Used to be we could not even log onto S L S and within thirty seconds the "phone" would be ringing. Anybody know what's up with that?


The on-line chat that got me rolling on the floor with laughter was the guy who picked up the Web cam, aimed it at a computer monitor that had a picture of a naked woman and typed, "This is my wife." Jeez, gay people can't get married but apparently computer monitors can.



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That is absolutely hillarious! The closest tale I have to that is one where a guy sent me a picture of a woman (His wife?). He wanted to meet up for the weekend. The problem was, I knew the woman in the photo! HA HA HA It was not his wife! I called him on it and have not heard from him since!

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