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I've quit smoking

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Tia Vampire


It's been about 2 weeks now that I have quit smoking. The Dr. perscibed me this med called chantix and it really works, but very expensive. I still crave after I eat, but have been able to resist. Tonight at the party will be the ultimate challenge. Will I not get tempted by being around so many other smokers? One never knows until put to the challenge. Let's see how i'll hold up.

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Wow Tia, this is great news. I admire you even more now for this. I'm not a non smoker as of yet. I'm in the "have slowed way down category". about 4-5 per day, sometimes less. I would have a smoke in the morning then at work, (None) on a twelve hour shift. ( non smoking environment) for the last 2 years.


I have had a terrible lung infection and have been off work several days, with cartilage separation on 6 ribs. Its not as much the cigarettes the doc says, but from terrible fumes I have endured thorough life in the welding business. I find it so easy to go hours upon hours without a smoke, but I have those trigger moments. Its been an eye opener for me personally, I mean losing my lung is pretty scary right now. I am on the mend with so many meds now and have given the thought of all the things I love in life. None work out so well without breathing.


Now ill have to use you in my thoughts to fight those trigger moments. Thanks so much for sharing this. Ill be watching you and gaining inspiration.

Edited by fun4Ds

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Good for you! We've set a date to try again to kick it once and for all. Neither of us are really heavy smokers, but we just can't seem to shake it permanently. Both of us have quit at one time or another for up to four months, but then, even though we know better, we would buy "just one pack" while at a party, on vacation, etc. and next thing you know back in the habit. Keep it up!

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I do not envy what you are doing, I have felt what you are going through, on May 16th it will be 3 years. Prior to that day I had a 2+ pack per day habit.


Just remember

1.Do not give up!!

2.Do not "Have just one"

3. If in doubt refer to rule one


Good luck and wishes of success

Mr Oly

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Good luck! Jeff is trying to quit as well, he's using those Commit lozenge things. He also has those trigger moments, after meals are the worst and the hotel party we went to...he fell completely off the wagon. As he puts it, being in the bar/party atmosphere and with so many people smoking it's easy to bum one even if you don't bring a pack.


He's done well since then, but will have to recommend the Chantix to him.

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I had 5 cigs Sat. night and left the rest of the pack there. I should not have bought a pack in the first place. I bought a pack just in case. I did not want to go around asking people for their cigs. It's Wednesday and so far so good.

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You did not fail, keep trying and do not give up! It is all about your will to succeed. Self denial sucks and is hard as hell, for me anyway. You are the only one who can insure that you succeed.


Mr. Oly

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To quit smoking is one of the hardest things in the world to do! I smoked from when I was 9 till I was 51. I've been off them for just over 8 years . . . even after 8 years I still get the urge sometimes especially if I’m watching an old Bogart movie. My wife still smokes, but takes it outside. Good luck and don’t give up even if you stumble once or twice. You’ll not regret it at all!

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I did the chantix a while back and it worked great as I didn't crave the cigs but I did have horrible dreams and per the hubby I was horrible to live with...he said my temper was really bad (I didn't notice) and I had pretty bad thoughts but stayed really positive. I quit for 3 whole weeks but just couldn't take the thoughts and dreams and decided to get off the pills. Within two days I was back to normal. I really think I'll try something else and may try the chantix again but you never know.

I hope things are going good for you though I'd love to hear you r progress now that you have been on it for a while!

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Well it has been a struggle and I'm not ashamed to report that I have not quit 100%. More like 90%. Instead of smoking a pack of cigs a day, it's more like one pack a week. I can't get over that after I eat craving or when we are out at the club. Now that the weather is heating up, I know we will be at the club more often. When I was taking the chantix it was easy to get over the cravings. Now that I'm not taking the pills anymore, it is hard to resist. I was hoping that the craving were going to go away by the time I finished the starter pack. I can't pay $127.00 a month for a new kit. Oh well, i'm not going to throw in the towel just yet. I'll keep trying until I finally quite all together.

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Just don't stop!!!!! I actually started at 12, horrible, I know! I have tried everything! Cold-turkey, patches(allergy to adhesive...), smoke-away(as seen on tv... yeah), gum, paying J everytime(I got sneaky), and last but not least, I signed up for a clinical study for TA-nic a new shot going in front of the FDA. The only time I was able to really quit was when I was expecting my son, but I lit up the moment I got home and could slip outside...

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