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What makes a club "great"

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As stated in the previous blog, we have been swinging since about 2002. In that time, we have attended a lot of meet and greets, one house party, and we've been to a lot of clubs.


Some of the clubs, have been trashy, some of them have been clean, some have been a bit run down, some have been totally rebuilt from the ground up. We've been to clubs that have been cliquish and others that have had no cliques, but the members considered themselves better than everybody else, including the other members in attendance. We've been to clubs varying in size including one that was a three story warehouse used as a porn studio by day and a swing club at night, then we've been to a club that is based in a single wide trailer. Some have had both a pool and a hot tub, some just a hot tub, and some neither. Some have allowed smoking inside and others, we were required to smoke outside (which even as smokers, we'd rather do).


In California, we never had a problem deciding where to go as the groups we were involved in were more experienced and seemed to know the good clubs to go to. We didn't let the group dictate where we went, mind you, but we enjoyed hanging out with our friends and that was where we went. Even when we weren't hanging out with our usual group, there was one club that we loved to attend. Sadly, I believe they have closed, but that is neither here nor there. The club was called The Fantasy Paradise, and it was run by Ken and Andrea, former owners of another club that was shut down "The Twin Palms". Was it the best club in California, not by any means, I'm sure we could have found one with more bells and whistles. This club was simple, a small dance floor with a pole, social area, two bathrooms, a pool table, a small bar, kitchen with hot food, two main play rooms, and several smaller "cubby" type rooms that the owner had created in the garage. It was based in a single story house in the middle of nowhere. Sounds kind of hokey when I talk about it like that, but to us, the place was great. It was never packed, but never empty, and we had some great times there.


Sadly, as they say in my favorite series from Stephen King, "The world has moved on" and we as swingers are demanding more from club owners. That was California, and this is Ohio. Since being in Ohio, we have attended four of the local clubs. One was the aforementioned trailer, and the other three were actual clubs. All three clubs are listed on here and to avoid any potential problems, they shall remain nameless.


Club A is really close to us, literally right around the corner. It is the closest thing to what we knew and liked, but the building is old, rundown, and it seems as if the owners don't care anymore because they are burnt out on the business. Club B is a newer club and the owners have put a lot of work into the place...and it shows. It is a really nice place, everything is clean, plenty of seating, private and semi-private play areas. But the people that attend are not welcoming to others that they consider "undesirable". Club C is also a new club, but the owner has received a lot of flack, both from Club B members, as well as from the local public. Club C is not as nice as Club B, but it is a lot larger and has the potential to be a great place. The owner of Club C is working on finishing the place. I attended in November by myself due to Jen not feeling well, and we both went last night. While there have been some improvements made from last time I visited, it still seems as if the owner opened up way too early and should have finished construction on the club before opening.


Club A and B are fairly close to us, but club C is about an hour and a half away. Not that we mind the drive, but it makes it difficult to have a really fun night when we're constantly watching the time because we have to make sure we leave with enough drive time to get home so the babysitter doesn't get upset.


As vastly different as the owners of the clubs are, they all have something in common, they are all trying to make money and provide a place for us swingers to attend. The members that attend these clubs are vastly different as well, but we are all looking for some place that we can meet new people and have fun. Although I know this will never happen (wishful thinking), but if these club owners could set aside their differences, it would benefit not only the swinging community, but the lifetyle as well.


These club owners have all turned a nothing into something and that is an accomplishment in itself. While these clubs have their good points, they also have their bad points. If the owners would work together, and set aside their differences, all of their ideas would make for a "great" club. As much wishful thinking as this is, I know it will never happen. The owners of club A just don't care anymore, and the owners of clubs B and C have two totally different ideas of what is and is not acceptable in the lifestyle.

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