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Tastes & Senses

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I recently found a very cheap way of getting an erotic turn on. Now when I mention this little technique it will seem obvious to a point but it wasnt to me when it first happened......my wife and I were settling down to some steaming hot cups of coffee in hand on the couch. We held them very tightly in our hands to keep them warm (cups were actually very hot). She then decides to slip her hands down my pants and grasp my family jewels. The inital feeling was very euphoric and felt great. I told her to keep to doing it. I never tired of the rush I got from it. I then did it to her a couple of times and she enjoyed it as well from the broad smile that crossed her face. So if your curled up on the couch one winter evening with nothing better to do. Make some coffee or hot chocolate and see where it leads.


PS. Also on the flipside regarding tastes ...my wife loves to dip my dick in a flute of champagne and taste it over and over again...


Anybody else have any erotic things they like to do with taste or sensations??

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