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Transparency is good in swinging

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Is transparency a good thing? In what context you ask. Well in swinging of course. I'm talking mainly about open communication between spouses in regards to how they interact and they feel about the other couples they may come into contact with. When you chat do you archive your chatting sessions so you know your significant other can look at it anytime they want to see what you chat about? Do you talk in general on occasion with your mate about what you talk about with that other person when you do chat. Do you express dislike for something that the person said or did to your husband or wife that you thought might be to intimate or personal. Or are do you intenially wear blinders not wanting to know what the other one is doing or saying. For me and my wife that doesn't work. I see on this forum and with chatting with others that it seems to go both ways. I think personally its a disaster waiting to happen. My opinion is that feelings and jealousy can be addressed much faster when your transparent with your actions and feelings towards the other couple you may be having sex with sometime down the road if you haven't already. I've learned to be more forthright already with my wife than I have been because everyone's idea of what is "right" is relative.:cool:

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Hey sexycouple! I completely agree. My wife and I do not necessarily debrief about conversations everyday but we are very open to the point of "mrs. new and I had some racy chats today, you should look at them when you get the chance."


If something comes up that I know is out of our "norm" then that is definitely talked about and vice versa. We also remember to remind ourselves that while swinging is a lot of fun, we are what is most important first and foremost.


I enjoyed reading this.

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We don't archive chats, but are open about who we talk to and what we talked about. For the most part my chats are with swing friends (women) about alot of things, anything significant happening, what they are up to for the weekend, our last encounter or party, when we might get together again, etc.

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Guest warrencouple


Absolutely transparency is good! Now, first off, my wife and I have not swung, we haven't even managed to get to the voyuer / exhibitionist stuff yet. BUT, since we've discussed swinging, we've opened up a great deal more with each other.


The times where one of us has not been open with the other (so far mostly me, being stoopid,) has led to nothing but misery for us both.


We have a joint e-mail account, set up on both our PCs, for any swing related e-mails (such as subscription notices from here, e-mails from the club we've gone to,) and we share an account here (even though I'm more the forum fiend)

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Yeah I Have been stupid myself these first three months of this swinging thing but Ive learned alot. I have also found that I feel closer to my wife than I ever have in these last three months. I feel I can talk to her about anything now regarding other woman. She has always been my best friend now its just seems even better with her. :cool:

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