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Indifference is not my Specialty A Poem on Swinging

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Indifference has never been my specialty

Now that I’m swinging it seems

That’s the way it has to be.


I told you I wouldn’t treat you like

A notch on the bed post, but that’s

exactly what you did to me.


Your desperation to have me has dried up

like a dead leaf blown away in the wind.


I know my pumped up ego is probably

Affecting the state I’m in.


I know I’m not special. I’m not the only one you see in this life, and you’re not my love, you’re not my wife.


I guess I just thought there would be more of a connection after the deed had been done.

Something simple, not deep, just a comfort level, a small friendship to foster and keep.


I ‘ll stop being naïve I guess and think that you might change.

I’ll just smile and go on to the next pretty thing.


Indifference is not my specialty but it may have to be


Will see.

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Do you have any idea how difficult it is to switch up roles? Friend, "special friend," simple swing partner - with different requirements and expectations at any given time? Some can deal with inconsistency, and some can't. Some need to pick a workable level and stick with it, and sometimes that leads to the death of a relationship, because a workable level for one isn't workable for another.


I've read this poem enough now that I feel the need to stick up for the intended recipient, whomever it may be. I hope you have a happy ending.

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I appreciate the comment I really do. But you dont know the situation or what led to my wanting to write this poem. I was justing getting things off my chest mainly. If anything the poem was aimed at myself for having preconceived notions how a person should act after having sex with you. My idea was just different than that persons on the subject and now that I've realized that, I'm okay with it and not trying to be judgemental of it. I've just realized in this short period of time of swinging that some people are one way and some people are another way. I choose to be my way and let the others be there way. I personally can have sex with someone and actually want to be there friend before or afterwards. I guess some others cant. Thanks for the comment.:cool:

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