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I've been reading a number of posts lately on the green monster, jealousy. We've also have been on the receiving end of jealousy as well! I recently posted a situation where the wife of one of our swap partner does not like her husband to have more fun that her. We encountered that in our last encounter and it was not a comfortable situation. We also somehow got in the middle of jealousy where my wife played with a guy (half of a couple who we are friends with) and another swing friend (woman) of the guy was very upset that he did not play with her, but was with my wife. At the time we did not have the full story, so I jokingly told my wife...it must be you. Little did I know it actually was her, though she did nothing wrong. The really unfortunate part is that the person or persons that have done nothing wrong get sucked into these drama situations. My wife's words are along the line of: we are in this for fun...we are not here to replace another person or even have an exclusive relationship with any swap partner.


While I realize you can't control this emotion, I can't understand being successfull/happy/whatever in the lifestyle if jealousy rules your behavior.


Sometimes I have more "fun" than my wife, sometimes she has more "fun" than me. We are both happy when

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