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Get Over It Already

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"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth"


That is the law of the bible, but when does it become too much. I agree whole heartedly that if somebody does me wrong, I have a right to some sort of retribution. Within reason though.


There are many people in the lifestyle who will say they don't want drama, but on the same token, will seek to start drama wherever they go. Even if the issue has already been resolved.


It is to those people I say "get over it". I'm not one to hold a grudge, but then again, I'm a male. Males and females solve issues with each other in a different way.


For males, it's a fist fight in the parking lot with the loser paying for the drinks of the winner as they rehash the fight. The next morning, they will be friends again as if nothing ever happened.


Females on the other hand, are vindictive and spiteful and will jab at every chance they get. Even after the issue has been resolved, the females will take any chance they can to jab at each other.


Over the last few weeks, there have been several jabs made by some females at each other. One has let go of the matter completely, but the other just keeps jabbing away. It is to that one that I say, "get over it" and just let it go.


Whatever was done or you feel was done or however you were wronged, just let it go. There are worse things going on in the world to be worried about and if you spend your whole life trying to get back at somebody who wronged you, it will just leave you bitter to everything else life has to offer.

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I have noticed a similar dynamic in the workplace. Guys can fight tooth and nail in a business meeting but go out and have drinks afterwards. But if women are fighting.it becomes a lifelong adversarial situation. This of course is a sweeping generalization but I've experienced this first hand.

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