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What was it called....

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Okay, about 2 years ago I did this thing with like 3 other couples and I was the only single guy. I felt out of place at first, but the rest of the wives didn't want me to feel left out, so I was treated Royally. Anyways, that aside, we all played this really fun game on the computer that involved a lot of dares and stunts (male player take female player into a dark room for 1 minute. Do anything but penetration). It was a bit juvenile at first, but after a few drinks and the clothes worked their way off it got really fun. Well, I've since moved away from them, and had almost forgotten about that game. Now, for the life of me I cannot remember what that game was called. For once, Google is failing me. I cannot find it. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

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