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Sharks and snakes

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I like to think of myself as somebody who doesn't start drama and minds my own business. Lately, I've been involved in a lot of drama between two groups. Some comments have recently been made to me that made me stop and think about what I've been doing.


Of course, the comments could be true, they could also be falsely thrown accusations, but whatever the purpose, they have had some effect on me. They say the truth hurts and if they don't apply to me, why do they have an effect on me.


Jen and I have been accepted into one of these groups, but I will say, I'm not as naive as some people think and I realize that it may be for reasons of their own.


Self reflection is good as long as it doesn't cause you to lose sleep over it and believe me, while these comments have made me think long and hard about the people we choose to hang out with, I'm still sleeping well.


The only solution I have come up with is to remove myself from the bad situation I have gotten us into. I do love to play chess, but I will not allow us to be used as pawns in this game the groups are playing. One person may think this is a victory, but it really is not as I am doing it not to please anybody, but to keep Jen and I from being devoured by the sharks or strangled by the snakes.

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