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Thinking with the dick.....

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So, I've given a barrel load of good advice here over the years. I don't believe in false modesty and I know I've usually been good for people who need help.


And yet, my own dick is attempting to betray me. I won't get into details, and its nothing like cheating, but my dick wants to think for me. My brain says 'no, don't let it happen again', but my dick says 'its not such a big deal, you know you want to do it'.


It reminds me of dating, when you weren't getting any you were more likely to make bad choices there. Once you got regular sex, your brain stopped doing those things. (well mine did)


Well we have taken ourselves out of swinging circulation, so its tempting to stick with what we have even though its most likely not the best away to go.


Naughty naughty dick.

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Well, you're just leaving us to guess what your temptation is. You say it's not cheating, so what does that leave? Sex with current partners but without condoms? Sex a former partner you'd sworn off? Sex with your wife in a risky situation?


What ever it is, I'm sure you'll figure out what the best course is. Sometimes giving in to temptation doesn't have bad consequences, external or internal. Sometimes the potential pleasures aren't worth the risk.

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I know why this is happening.


You have transformed yourself into a better body man.


When this happens men start thinking with their dick rather than their brain.


Once you get used to being better looking (since you lost weight and muscled up) you're new body and old brain will become one again and you'll let your brain do the thinking, as it should be.


Give yourself time to get in sync. In the meantime, if you do something naughty you can blame it on your new dick...oops, body.



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I wish it was that simple.


Now when I am really working out I get VERY horny, and I could see how that could lead to bad decision making, but I've been there before so I'm aware of that.


No the problem involves former swing partners, major drama, and yes shes hot. ;)

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No the problem involves former swing partners, major drama, and yes shes hot.


Okay, I'm seeing the picture more clearly now. Let me try this again...


I know why this is happening.


If we are still hot for the hottie, the more time that passes the less bothered we are by past drama with the hottie.


We can be very forgiving when turned on.



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Forgive me for not being caught up on the whole situation, but I thought you guys stopped playing because you simply didn't have time and because you wanted to work on the sleek physique. Was there some other reason? If not, why is the thinking so bad? I mean, aside from the whole drama thing. Never mind. I suppose that's bad enough!

Edited by lustylearning

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Well I have to report my dick did not do my thinking for me. Poor guy is a bit bitter about being left out of the loop but he will get over it.

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