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The Fuse


Earlier this week, we canceled plans for tonight with a single male we know. We canceled because a new couple we're trying to meet said they could get a sitter, but only for tonight, not for Friday night as we had previously discussed.


The fact that I'm sitting here writing this, gives a pretty good hint at what's happened. Our new couple had their sitter cancel on them. I suppose we could have tried to do something else, but we didn't. We're.... just.... here. We pretty much got what we deserved, I guess.


We're 98% sure this couple is for real, between talking to her on the phone, and all the texting that's been going on. They're very experienced and seemed very eager to meet, so we believe them about what happened.


On top of that, there was supposed to be a house party tonight we could have gone to as an alternate. But the hosts had to cancel it too! They have a serious family illness, which I don't wish on anyone.


Last night, we were thinking we were going to go out with another couple who said they were putting together a meet and greet. We haven't met them either, but we had a dialogue and they said to let them know if we were free Friday night. We did, and oh by the way, we sent them a face picture and asked them to do the same. No answer. No answer to the next email asking if we were on for Friday night. No surprise that one didn't happen.


Tomorrow, we're supposed to go on an excursion with another couple we know and have played with, but haven't talked to in months and we assumed they weren't interested anymore. We assume it will be a non-play type of day anyway, so there's no real anticipation in the sexual arena. But now I'm just waiting for word that they are canceling!

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What got Karma interested in this? Have you been a naughty girl lately??? ;) Quick, do something good!!! (and flirting with Chicup doesn't count)

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We had an on-our-own night too last night. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't! I know part of the problem is that I, as the social convenor of the couple, am often just not very aggressive about setting things up, hoping for something to just "happen", but also, it's hard to try to schedule when you are waiting to hear back from one couple, don't want to send out feelers to a second because then what if the other couple gets back to you after all, etc. Last night I could see the attraction of being real club people, because there's always the club to go to. No date or arrangements required. We do go to clubs occasionally, and in fact had a wonderful time at one last weekend, but not into that every weekend. So instead we went down to the beach and fooled around a bit in the dark until the night fishermen came out , then came home and made each other scream. Good time was had by all :) Hope you two managed to enjoy yourselves as well.

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@SW_PA: Yep, yep, yep. It's a bummer though, because they seemed solid.


@socolais -- Karma would be interested because we canceled firm plans with the single guy, so we're getting what we deserve in return. Do something good? I'm trying :-).


@PB&J -- glad you two had a good time. I definitely know the annoyances of when you're waiting for a reply from one, and don't want to ask another, and then end up with nothing.


@lustylearning -- thanks. Sunday was great. We had our excursion, with a couple we've been with once and probably won't play with again, but they are friends and we enjoy their company.


@Chicup -- we texted the magical disappearing couple on Sunday. Have heard a big fat nothing. Either they had a fight, or someone is really sick or similar bad event, or they really are fake after all the texts (with spur of the moment pictures), the phone call with the lady and the rest of it. Who knows.

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Tomorrow, we're supposed to go on an excursion with another couple we know and have played with, but haven't talked to in months and we assumed they weren't interested anymore. We assume it will be a non-play type of day anyway, so there's no real anticipation in the sexual arena. But now I'm just waiting for word that they are canceling!


Thats the one I assumed would work out right.

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Fear not pretty lady as I am sure great things are in your future! The weather really has people buzzing around lately and the daytime life can be such a strain on the night time life we like to enjoy.


I wish you fair winds and calm seas in the search for friendship and fun.



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Karma always seems to get me! Just when I thought I got away with somehting, BAM!!!! Karma runs over my dogma! Sure enough, everything else gets turned to crap!!! I hate it!

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