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She Said, He Said

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The Fuse


I can't quite decide where to begin... except to try to describe what sets CXXC apart from other playmates. There is a degree of perceptiveness, of what is working and what might work better... he read my body like a book and then played it like a violin. He is unusually aware of subtle signals (as well as not-so-subtle ones). It helped that he had *thoroughly* interviewed me a few weeks beforehand on my sexual likes and dislikes. I think there may have been Space Shuttle missions that were less well planned and for which fewer possible scenarios were considered. But even when things evolved past or sideways from what had been discussed, he proved himself incredibly versatile and even more talented. He said he'd do whatever it took to make me happy, and he wasn't kidding.


Mr. CXXC, Mr. Fuse and I had lunch together, during which time Mr. Fuse made me a happy woman by deciding he was comfortable with my leaving with Mr. CXXC. Unfortunately Mrs. CXXC was not in town-- if you read his blogs, you know he travels for work quite a bit, which is why he happened to be in our area. Mrs. CXXC had been very charming on the phone the day before, and let me know in no uncertain terms that I was in for a good time. I had no doubt!


On the way to his hotel, there was a traffic jam, which just enhanced my desire to get there. I was already getting wet and wanting him to touch me. I put my feet up on the passenger side dash. He was teasing me, making me wetter by the mile. I really wanted to press myself up against him, but being in the car made that impossible, so I had to settle for leaning on his arm and kissing him at stoplights. I didn't touch his cock because it seemed dangerous while he was driving and also because I wouldn't be able to do what I really wanted to with him in the other seat.


At the hotel, I finally got to press the length of my body onto the length of his while kissing him deeply. He felt so good against me, so masculine, tall and strong. I don't know why I got that desire to put one foot on the bed and press my lower regions against him (that seems like something people do in movies), but somehow that feels good to me.


If I went into every detail it would take too long to write. But I have to sing his praises for a bit... he took every bit of feedback, obvious or subtle, some that I don't think I was aware of... and used it to make the experience better. I started to think he has senses the rest of us don't! When he went down on me it was like he had known me intimately for years. I'm very sensitive and in order to have a clitoral orgasm it takes a while and a certain touch. When I come that way, I scream and writhe around. My throat was sore from screaming, like I'd been at a football game or something! The list of people who've done that for me is very short, and never before has someone done it the first day we played. He did. He told me he would, and he did. Before we parted ways that night, he did it again. He would have done it a third time later in the evening... but basically he had worn me out and I didn't feel like I had the energy.


His cock was so hard I thought he would burst! I had to have him in my mouth, so I did that for a while. Sometime later, after he'd made me come with his mouth the first time, we started fucking. Man, I was tight from my orgasm... it took a minute to get his cock all the way in. Later in the evening he compared my pussy to a vise, which I found amusing.


If I wanted it slow, he gave it to me slow...fast, if I wanted it fast.... full body contact or upright on his knees.... deep or shallow. We did it in several positions and all were fun in different ways. He commented on how wet I was... I really was pretty well soaked! We got steadily more animal and later on, after we'd eaten dinner and come back for more, I wanted it nasty, with hair pulling, tossing around, dirty talk and all the rest. Both times we had sex for a very long time... I was with him from around 4 till sometime between midnight and 1 AM, and most of that time was spent playing. He has incredible stamina and control! The second time, he wanted me to give him an orgasm with my mouth too, which I was very happy to do! I love that... and I love being appreciated for it. At some point I am told I squirted. I wasn't aware of it but by the amount of wetness on the sheets, I believe it. He just has that effect! I have only done that once before, ever, that I realized. It's not my favorite thing but he seemed to like it! We even tried anal briefly. Unfortunately I had forgotten to bring any lube and with condoms it is really necessary, so that didn't last long.


At some point we were lying there thinking about getting me home when I got the giggles really badly. You know, when you start laughing and just can't stop? It was just another sign of how comfortable I was.


Later it was time to go home. He could have kept going. I wonder where his limits actually are... he had definitely found mine, at least for a while! I came home to my husband, who was still with the date he had happily and coincidentally gotten for that night! She is a very sexy woman and I was glad he was having his own fun. She thought it was hilarious to be with a married man, have his wife come home to them both naked and greet them with kisses and smiles.


I hope we get to see each other again at some point! I'm a lucky woman in so many ways!

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Oy, gevalt!


I'm envious. But I rejoice in your successful melding of minds. And I thank you for sharing.



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Ha ha ha!! Thank YOU for reading! He and I had fun coordinating this and think it's great fun to share it with everyone here.

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Don't know if I ever told you this Fuse and CxxC....


You guys ROCK !!!



I'm saving both of your blogs, just for erotic reading sometimes....

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