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Weight a Minute . . .

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After discovering the need to adjust Der Houndt’s harness, I decided to weigh him. This required me to step on the scale with and without the pup. I was shocked to discover that I am now at my highest non-pregnant weight again. This put me in kind of a funk, as I had started trying to exercise and eat better a few weeks ago.


Before the funk could fully set in, a couple gentlemen I met at the house party we attended last month started to chat me up. It felt really good to realize that not only are Mr. Sweet and I finally starting to make some new connections, but that these guys are interested in me as I am. Talk about an ego boost!


Of course, I fully intend to follow through with my diet and exercise routine (which, by the way, includes pole dancing classes!), because my health is important to me.


Now all I have to do is get through the next two weeks, when we'll be attending our next party. And yes, those new connections are planning to go to the party, too. :cool:



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Hey cutie.......weight is a number. We all battle with those silly numbers and each and everyone of us have a desire to look better and feel better. Youre still sexy in my eye!


Its great guys are noticing you, the ones who aren't are the ones REALLY missing out!


Remember weight loss comes from a lifestyle change and does not happen overnight. Slow and steady (like a great lover?) always wins. Stick with it!

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Trust me, Socolais, sex is my favorite form of exercise, but sometimes the gym closes early for the night.


And Kyle, I'm well aware that weight is "just a number," but it doesn't change the fact that I'm heavier than I should be and I'm not liking how my clothes are fitting these days. Thankfully, this is something I can change, and I have begun taking steps to do so.


As for being patient . . . Well, that's never been my forte. But I am determined. (And thanks!)

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Good for you on both counts.


The nice thing about weight is that while it might always be a fight for some people, at least its a fight you CAN win. Admitting it to yourself is always the hardest part.

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Girl, my scale shows the exact same thing. I weigh more than ever. While, I've had some health issues that helped that be the case, it isn't something I like. Now that those issues seem to be better, I'm set on losing the weight. Unfortunately, the weight does not come off as easily as it went on. I set small reachable goals that turn into the end result. And I work on not getting discouraged.


Good for you and your endeavors!

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Thanks for sharing your story. It may help several of us shed a few pounds.

Keep goals small and reach many of them.

Sex is great---Life is awesome.

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