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Lady in Waiting

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We are planning to attend a house party on Saturday, as are some of our newer acquaintances. This would be the perfect opportunity for us to get back in the game, so to speak. The typical pre-party flirting has begun, and I’d actually begun to get excited about the party. Evidently, I’m due for a karmic kick in the pants, because I got my period on Tuesday (almost a week early).


My excitement has deflated like a leaky air mattress. I’m trying not to give up all hope, since there is a slight chance I may be “in the clear” by Saturday night. Just in case, I’ve encouraged my honey to relax and have fun, whether or not I’m able to join in.


I'm perfectly aware that this happens all the time to other women/couples. But oddly enough, this is the first time it's happened to me. Now all that’s left to do is cross my fingers and wait . . . I hate waiting.




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Have you tried one of those cups that keep the stuff in? Playmates of Mr. Fuse have used them successfully in the past.

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Yes, Lustylearning, fluffer status can be fun. My concern is more that Mr. Sweet won't participate because I "can't".


And Fuse, I do use the Instead cups for Mr. Sweet and myself. I just never think of them for playtime. Guess we'll see what happens on Saturday. Thanks for the reminder.



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So? How'd it go? I hope you had an enjoyable day and evening, no matter what you ended up doing or not doing.

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Thanks for asking, ladies. It was a fun party. It was a toy party + house party + birthday party for the hostess's hubby.


My period had just barely stopped by party time last night, so I popped in an Instead as a security measure.


As the toy party lady is a lifestyler, she cut her presentation kind of short, so we could get to the "fun stuff" quicker. She also had a fun idea for the birthday boy. She gave the ladies a baggie with a shower curtain (for the floor), whipped cream, chocolate sauce, sprinkles, and cherries. Two of the gals blindfolded him and brought him into the room. We stripped him, and made a sundae out of him. I even added a birthday candle so we could sing to him and he could make his wish.


And of course, we had to at least attempt to eat the sundae we made. Unfortunately, we went a little overboard with the toppings, and just couldn't lick it all off. So we broke down and used paper towels to wipe the rest of, and he showered the rest off.


There was a little play, but none for us. The couple we most wanted to play with were busy with the couple they came to the party with. Another couple we had our eyes on left early, and the birthday boy always seemed occupied with hosting duties, especially after the hostess ended up going to bed. The poor gal was exhausted from party preparations and got a little too tipsy.


I did get to talk to the birthday boy a bit though, and found he was just being shy. It was agreed that we needed to take a raincheque and that next time, I can just grab him and go for it. Eeeeexellent! (steeples fingers together)


I had pre-ordered a toy I saw in the catalog so I could take it home the night of the party. I got too anxious to wait to try it at home, and made use of it in the car. Poor Mr. Sweet almost ran off the road! I had hoped he'd just pull over, but his car is pretty small, and we're not exactly small people. So we had to wait until we got home to finish what I started. But finish we did . . . :D

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YAY!! Sounds like you had a ton of fun and even have fun plans for future play!!

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Just curious, where on the Sundae did you put the candle? And who blew it out? :)


I need to ask my wife about the cup things, her timing has seem to coincide with the last few parties exactly.

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