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Mother Nature Versus Lady Luck

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Well, it appears I've managed to piss off both of these ladies recently. As I posted in my last blog entry, I missed out on some playtime last Saturday due to my being biologically inconvenienced. Well, it seems that wasn't enough for me. My period not only decided to stick around for twice the normal amount of time, the flow pattern (sorry, that's the nicest way I know to put it) was really off, too. As this was the second month in a row I've had this issue, I've decided to call the doc. Something just isn't right. My annual pelvic is due in a few weeks, anyway, so I might as well . . .


The (sort of) good news is that we may get another shot at playing with some of these new folks at another upcoming party. Unfortunately, our regular sitter is unavailable. We're tugging a few lines to find a back up, so I'm crossing my fingers that Lady Luck will cut me a little break here.



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