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Oh What a Night

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Foreword: Names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent.


Wow. All I can say is WOW. :D


The party we attended last night was well underway by the time we arrived. As soon as we got out of the car, Jessica and Roger came running out to greet us. Apparently, they had really missed us and were thrilled to see us. We were very glad to see them too, but slightly surprised at their enthusiasm. Ariel & Eric were right behind them, also quite happy to say hello. They're one of the couples we’d been so anxious to hook up with, so we were especially happy to see them.


Many of the party-goers were already quite tipsy, but that just meant a shorter wait for clothes to come off. ;) In fact, Jello shots were brought out shortly after we said our hellos, which meant many of the ladies began losing their bras*, and lots of friendly groping ensued. I lost track of how many people grabbed or slapped our bums.


At one point, I caught the hostess playing on her phone. In an attempt to distract her, I took the unprecedented (for me) liberty of fingering her pussy. As that didn’t seem to be effective, I utilized my tongue, as well. I was rewarded with a splash. Given my lack of experience in this arena, this was a proud moment for me. :blush:


It wasn’t long before Ariel decided it was time to grab our hostess and head to the trampoline. We shucked our clothes and hopped on, soon to be joined by Jessica. We jumped until Jessica fell over, taking our hostess and me with her. Next thing I knew, Jessica rolls over and started going down on me while Ariel played with my boobs. The hostess was making her way off the trampoline.


As we returned to the house, Sally & Linus showed up. They were the hosts of the party we attended a couple weeks ago. Linus was the birthday boy at that party, and due to biological inconvenience, I was unable to give him the present I hoped for. They jumped right in and joined with the drinking, chatting, and groping, and I was starting to get something going with Linus, but the rain drove us all inside. We lost track of him and Sally when Ariel, the hostess, and a couple other girls came in naked, wet, and covered in leaves. They decided to hop on the trampoline again after the rain started.


Eric and Mr. Sweet suggested that Ariel and the hostess should hop in the shower, and I graciously offered to help scrub their backs. Again, this was an unusually bold suggestion coming from me, as I tend to be shy with the ladies. But into the shower we went, with Eric and Mr. Sweet standing back and watching. The girls got cleaned off, but the hostess got anxious about getting downstairs to her guests, so Ariel, Eric, Mr. Sweet and I made our way to one of the play areas.


It was well worth the wait, I must say. Ariel went down on me, Mr. Sweet went down on her, and I gave oral to Eric. Then Ariel let Eric have a go at me, and it wasn’t long before he was reaching for a condom. Unfortunately, Ariel was feeling the effects of the alcohol, and Mr. Sweet didn’t get to full swap with her. But they were definitely having a good time.


After she wandered out to get some water, Eric trailing behind her, I gave my hubby some oral attention before we decided to go out and see who was left. There were only a handful of guests still there, most of which we didn’t know. We didn’t have to get home right away, so we stayed to chat and help clean up a bit ‘till all the guests not staying overnight had left.


While I’m still not quite sure what got into me last night, I’ve decided I don’t really care. We had a great time, and we’re back in the swing of things.


*For those uninformed on the proper method of Jello shot consumption, classes are being held at Sweet University. Online classes are available upon request.



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