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This blog is written somewhat in jest, but is not really far from reality.


Lately I've been a bit overwhelmed by our swinging activities. In the past 3 weeks we attended 3 meet & greets; attended a dinner/house party; and have been preparing for a trip to a house on the Chesapeake Bay with a number of other l/s couples. It does take a lot of time and energy (and $$$!).


As I was sitting here doing a few things for work, the thought struck me that swinging is almost like a business. Perhaps others have had the same thought but I've never looked at it that way.


You have a personal investment in it. Time and in most cases money.


  • There's marketing. Photos, Profile information.
  • At times there are references given and/or received.
  • There's new and repeat business.
  • There is a need for effective communication to succeed. And dressing for success helps as well (similar to marketing).
  • Sometimes you need to tell current or prospective playmates the truth that you don't want to be a playmate; Somewhat like giving someone a bad review.


So I've decided to hire a staff to assist our in swinging encounters.


  • An administrative assistant to deal with our online communications and scheduling.
  • A promotions person to give us the best profile online.
  • A driver so we don't have to worry about drinking and driving.
  • Events coordinator to make sure we are kept abreast of all of the fun events in the coming months as well as helping us when we have an empty house to throw a party.



Ok, now back to reality... :lol:

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When you put it that way, I could use a staff, too! Too bad Mr. Sweet's too cheap to pay anyone. Then again, I'm a control freak and would likely end up doing it all myself anyway.



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Marketing? You don't need marketing. If you have something going on every weekend, you'll need an automated external defibrillator.

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