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In Our Happy Place

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My wife and I feel secure and happy. Part of this is the feeling that we have found our right places in The Lifestyle. It took six years to gain this feeling but looking back, it was not really a very steep road to traverse. We had no good notion of where we wanted to be when we started. It's one of those things that is difficult to define but you know you are there when you arrive. It's not like there are no new things to learn or new adventures to live. The little nuisances that used to cause upset are easier to laugh off. We have developed warm and enduring relationships but none of these feel as binding or complicated as family relationships. People come into our lives and go out, we have fun, we share laughs; just the right number stick around for the long haul. Far behind is the almost desperate feeling of, "we'll never make friends in this lifestyle."


It might seem a little prideful for me to put this up in front of all of you. But maybe it will serve a purpose. Those who are just beginning might be concerned that no light can be seen at the end of the tunnel. Keep chugging. The rewards are very satisfying.

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I like the way you said that. Yeah, the wild sex parties and the hedonistic goings on get a lot of ascii ink, but really this stuff is about finding our own comfort zone with sharing our sexuality and happiness without the restrictions and psychological baggage society wants to dump into our bedrooms.


"... just the right number stick around..." I agree, I think that's the sweet spot.

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I've been thinking about this a lot lately too. I think we're there... good friends, good times.

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I think we've recently arrived at the same place, and also, after six years. Yeah, you're right, just the right number stick around.

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That's good to know. We have been swinging for about two years, and I was feeling a bit discouraged about not having things 'down' or 'set' so to speak. I do feel we are getting there but knowing that it takes about 6 years, actually makes me feel better. I feel like we are halfway there, we have some good friends and we are hitting our stride in somethings. We are learning, growing and adapting to what works for us.

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Captain's Log, Star Date 20120212.1000. It was a wonderful party. Met new people; spent a great time with old friends. Regret that some were not able to be here owing to poor driving conditions. I have so much more energy lately. Felt yesterday evening like I was twenty-two years of age again. Feel the same this morning. And it makes me so very happy to see and hear my wife having fun. She is now speak of the men in her life as her "stable". How good is that?

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