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After what seems like months of life just not cooperating with us, things have settled down and the stars have aligned so that we can go out and play tonight :dancing:


We're headed to our favorite house party. It's been months since we've been able to attend and we're both looking forward to it. It will be good to see some old friends and hopefully meet a few new people.


Also, if our luck holds, next weekend we're hoping to finally get with a friend for some MFM playtime. We've been trying to get everyone's schedules aligned for that, and it looks like next weekend everything might work out.


So, it seems as if finally we're getting our swing back on :D Here's hoping we haven't forgotten how.



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You guys have a blast. You deserve it!

Forget how? Nah, just like riding a bike. Maybe a wobble the first two seconds, then it becomes a lovely ride. :)

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Thanks everyone :)


We had fun, but as most know sometimes the "vibe" just isn't there. Even when you have the same bunch of people attending a party...it's always different. That was the case last Saturday night.


There were a lot of new people we met, some very interesting, and we enjoyed sitting and talking with them. We also got to say "hi" to a bunch of old friends and even made plans to meet in a couple of weeks for a more private party with a few of them, but for some reason neither of us felt much like playing that night.


It wasn't that there weren't people there that we both were interested in, there were...it was just, neither one of us felt like putting much effort into pursuing and/or accepting any invitations we received. We were quite content sitting on the deck, talking and flirting with each other.


The highlight of the night was on the way home when we decided that we were both hungry, and stopped by Wally World for some snacks...apple slices, caramel dip, Ruffles and french onion dip :facelick:...we took our stash home, jumped into bed and had a feast :hahaha:


All in all, it was a very good night :D



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Even the fastest airplane has to start from the hanger. Let things warm up, then shoot for the stars. Or something like that. Have fun either way.

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