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Final Countdown

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It's official. In 32 days, my hubby will begin his special assignment in Washington, D.C. He'll be there every Monday to Thursday (returning Friday morning) for four months.


To say that I am unhappy about this assignment would be an understatement--especially since it's voluntary. I know he wouldn't have accepted it if he didn't think it would be helpful to his career and to the organization as a whole. And it's for that reason I have to put on my big girl panties and deal.


There is a bit of a silver lining, though. Because this assignment is set to occur over the holiday season, he will still get his usual holiday time off. Once he's home, we're headed to Cancun for a vacation just the two of us.

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I'm sorry you have to be apart. I understand some as well. Gator works shift work. At the very least (not counting if he has to work overtime), I sleep alone 7 straight days a month and another 7 days straight (now as a matter of fact) I spend evenings alone.


He's worked shift work most of or life together but, when he went to this kind, it took me a couple of years to get used to it. And he is not longer able to do as much at the house.


Hang in there. Try to find the positives. Be creative when you do get time together.

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Thanks, Vol. I know all things considered, I'm still pretty lucky. It's actually typical in our area for one spouse who works in the city to spend all their weeknights there. We've other friends whose spouses are active military (and are subject to deployment).


As for being creative with the time we spend together, we shall try. But we have young children, so that will end up being our focus, as will Mr. Sweet's school work (he's working on his MBA online).


And thankfully, I'm blessed with some good friends who will help keep me company/listen to me kvetch.



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I'm sure it will be tough to be alone with small children. I hope that in the future, you will be able to look back on the time to come and be satisfied it was the right decision for your family, your marriage and his career. Hang in there!

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