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How my wife can be so oblivious to her sexuality is getting frustrating.


We were at a setting lately (note the vagueness) where she would be 'on display' but vanilla safe. There was no nudity, there were others doing it, it was for a charity, and she made every excuse to not do it. The excuses were real but they were not the reason. I've been hoping she would break out of her shell at some point in her life but its like we make 1 step forward and then 1 step back. Its baby steps but sooner or later you need to learn to walk.


So to point out the silliness of it, I mentioned how this is nothing, she was fully nude on a beach playing frisbee with me on our last vacation, with at least 100 people watching her.


She gave me a look that was somehow disproving but otherwise indecipherable. So I asked her what she was thinking and to my shock it was that they weren't really looking at her.


Now picture this. A relatively in shape attractive blond, 100% bald eagle, is playing frisbee on the beach completely nude, and she thinks 'Well most people are nude, there's plenty to see, no one is really looking at me'.




I told her she should be offended if they were not staring at her.


Shes not a prude, she enjoys people being attracted to her, but she just can't see it.


At this event, she might have not be the most in shape women there, but she was better than 85% of them.


Maybe you just can't learn 'sexy', but I don't believe it. I'm at a loss on how to convince her, the only way she breaks out of that shell is when another woman drags her out (to the dance floor or otherwise).

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I understand this perfectly. She doesn't see herself the way YOU see her. Yes, you've told her countless times how beautiful/hot/sexy she is. But you're her husband. You're supposed to feel that way.


Unfortunately, I cannot tell you how to get her to see herself through your eyes. It's one of those things you have to figure out for yourself. And I still have my moments now and then.


Hang in there, and just enjoy the moments when she does let her inhibitions go.

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Well we made a MAJOR break through today, and I'm quite proud of her, (we had a talk after I posted).


Details may come later, but I'm very pleased, especially because I can tell shes not just doing it to please me but thinks its a good plan.

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I'm happy with your breakthrough, I hope you both find the new perception rewarding.


In many ways, I see myself in the words you type and I struggle at times with my own attempts at a solution. I found something and while I don't have it all figured out, maybe you can find some value in looking at the situation from a different perspective. Meekness and patience are difficult qualities to define or recognize as positive value. I see positive values in her characteristics you described - an unselfishness with patience for herself and everyone she knows. The capitalistic commercials on TV bombard us with the message that we shouldn't be satisfied because "they" can sell us a better solution. Being satisfied, meek and patient is routinely portrayed in the media as weak when it is perhaps healthier to view it as a strength.


just a thought.....

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@Socolais - There is meek and patient and there is oblivious wall flower.


In a very young woman, her lack of understanding of her effect on men could be quite charming, and its often a virtue because they won't be one of those so full of themselves that they think they are just too good for people.


But there needs to come a time where you wake up and figure it all out too. When it slips from not understanding to lack of self confidence, its just not a good thing in my book.


She doesn't LIKE being the wall flower, but its a safe place for her. She enjoys when she leaves her comfort zone but it takes a lot to get her out of her box.


I think if she can break out of it, she will be happier.

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