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Shit Happens

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Do you ever think that you aren't meant to have life go your way for an extended length of time? I do at times. Things can be moving along just great and out of the blue...shit happens. Unexpected bill, kids having problems, arguing with spouse, job a pain...any and all at once. I was thinking, as this is one of those "shit happens" times, is the majority of my life in this category or the "life is good" category? My answer when I began thinking, and then writing, this blog was that it is more often than not in the first category. And it's true...there always seems to be something going on. The number of things happening at once is the unknown from day to day. I was struggling to think of a time, however short, that life was all good. Well, I've decided that life isn't all good. But there are good moments in my life all the time. And I've decided the good moments, whether they be hours at a time or seconds at a time, must be worth the others. My new grandson learning to laugh takes care of that aggravation I had at work. The moments in the day that I'm told I love you takes care of that bill you wonder how you'll pay. And the hugs I receive from my loved ones, particularly my men, make all the problems of having a relationship, or two, worth the effort. The payoff is bigger than the cost for all these things. I just have a hard time remembering that. I don't stop and think about the good times when the bad are happening. That would take it away right then and I wouldn't have fret as long as I do over things.



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From one Vol to another, I wish only good things for you. Just think of Neyland Stadium in the fall when season starts and their is electricity in the air. Always works for me..

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You didn't mention it, but you also have to remember that not only do you have your immediate family and friends to fall back on, but you also have all your friends here on the board that you can count on too. There are always going to be people here that think the world of you and will help you through whatever life dishes out. I know that I, for one, asked you for some advice recently and your fast reply and caring response meant a lot to me. So remember that we are always here when you need us.

This is one huge family that you can look to when life craps on you.

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Isn't it amazing the something as simple as a little plastic keyboard can link you to someone a world away from you. I'm fairly certain that it is probably much warmer in Florida where you are than it is here in the frozen tundra of MN at -10 and falling, but talking to you warms my heart and takes the chill right off:wavey:


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I'm not sure how I could have left this board out. I mean, didn't I come here to talk in the first place? Thanks for reminding me. I've always thought this was a place I could turn. I have come here for some serious issues.


Jerry, I was happy to help you out.


Oh, and Ellyanne77, that's definitely a happy place. To the regret of both Gator and Tech.

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Luckily some of those moments last longer than others and stand out more in the long haul. It's hard sometimes when it seems like the negative moments seem to get stacked on top of each other and overtake everything to try to remember those positive ones.

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Vol, I hope our answers to your questions were helpful in any way. We are different in many ways and some things are hard to explain. It is hard to think sometimes when "shit happens" that there is even a remote chance that things have a meaning in life, that is (only for the good). We try to even the scales, by the way we keep our fewer good outcomes out weighing the many bad outcomes. Time and patience are the keys for us.

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I like to call these my "perspective moments". It's sad that we so easily remember the shit, but have a hard time recalling the good stuff. When this happens to me (as it does to all of us) I try and put it in perspective. No matter how bad I think it is at the time, it could be so much worse. To me everything is in the way you look at things. Having good friends and a great forum like this board really help when you need to get perspective.

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I think it's human nature to fall back on the negative view of things. I've met a few hopelessly optimistic people...I'm not one, so they tend to irritate the hell out me...probably because I wish I was one of them. It's so easy, as you say, to get pissed off or depressed because of relationship issues, money problems, health complications, etc. But, there is always somebody who is worse off than us. Sometimes it's hard to rememeber how lucky we are. It may be a negative slant on optimism, but when "shit happens" I always say, "It could be worse." ;)

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Susan here-- I'm a diehard game theory math freak and here's the way things seem to work: No matter who you are or what you do there's always some form of trouble and some form of joy always heading your way, randomly. You can try all you want and you cannot predict what the good or the bad will specifically be. If you've heard of Chaos Theory, that is what I'm talking about The best you can do is have the resources in place to deal with what comes, because it's coming and always will. And, when we don't have those resources, whether it's people or money or whatever, we tend to go a bit nuts. Now, just as there is random good and bad, their is equal amounts that are the results of our actions. So, if you can do the right thing as often as possible and make good choices, things will go easier, but only up to a point.

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