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One should never forget how to play...

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Back when I started this blog I mentioned something along the lines of hopefully being able to impart a bit of wisdom from my dingy brain. In an attempt to do that, here's a bit of my dingy wisdom for you to contemplate....


On a 12 hour drive you have a lot of time to think. This past Friday my thoughts were on why Ted and I get along so well. My conclusion was it's because after all these years we still know how to "play".


I'm not talking about playing in the sense that most swingers use the word, that being having sex with someone other than your spouse/SO...I'm talking about just plain fun playing.


As children most of us could make the simplest things fun...bouncing a ball, chasing each other around the yard, playing with Barbie dolls or Matchbox cars...we had a sense of adventure, wonder and imagination that made jumping up and down in a mud puddle the greatest thing in the world. We played and had fun.


Somewhere in the process of growing up, some unwise soul decided that it was proper that adults shouldn't play anymore. Hell, I think there's even a passage somewhere in the Bible that states something along the lines of ...When I became a man, I put away childish things. IMO, that's the biggest piece of bullshit advice you could give anyone if it's meant to mean you have to stop playing.


Yes, as adults we do have responsibilities. I'm not denying that and I do believe that every adult should be a "responsible adult"...not only for themselves, but for their spouse/SO, children and community. That does not however mean that one should get so mired down in those responsibilities that playing should be erased once adulthood is reached.


I especially think that if couples want to have a long, happy union...they need to keep and put playing as a top priority in their relationship. That's why Ted and I get along so well...we refuse to "grow-up" and we damn sure refuse to stop playing.


Playing for us takes on many different forms. Some of our playing is sexual...hell, we're swingers, go figure on that one. But most of our playing is not of a sexual nature. We've been lucky enough to maintain that childlike quality of being silly with each other.


Throughout out lives we've jumped in mud puddles with each other, we've run around in the rain, we've danced in the middle of the kitchen floor, we've had food fights and pillow fights, we've chased each other with water guns, we've played card games and board games with each other and we've cheated trying to win those games, we've played "beauty-shop" with each other painting each others fingernails and toenails, putting make-up on each other and curling each others hair, we've drawn on each other with markers, we've made shadow puppets on the walls, made tents out of sheets, built sand castles on the beach....we've been crazy and silly with each other...we've PLAYED!


So many times I see people that have forgotten how to play and it makes me sad.


A couple of examples....


1. This past weekend when we attended a vanilla Halloween party we were sitting outside talking to the host. Another couple popped their heads out to tell us goodbye. Once they were gone the host made a comment that he wasn't sure how he felt about this particular couple..."Did you hear what she said when ya'll walked in and everyone else said they wished they had dressed up and started getting the kiddie costumes out of the basket and putting them on and they tried to get her to put one one"? No, we replied. "She said, 'I think we're all a bit old to be dressing up'....I didn't like that". I just looked at our host and said she's forgotten how to play and have fun.


2. Sweet tna's blog...Biting My Tongue. She talked about co-workers saying how "wild and completely immature" others were at the parties they had been to. No...they were playing and having fun, something they (the ones complaining about it) had obviously forgotten how to do.


My point in all of this is...even though we all grow up and become adults, that does not mean we have to stop playing and having fun. If you're a couple, play with each other. If you're parents/grandparents play with your children/grandchildren. If you're a friend, play with your friends. Act up, be goofy, be silly...find a mud puddle and jump up and down in it...just PLAY!


Playing is the one thing in life that will keep you young forever.



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I just gave this entry a Five-Star rating. I need to remember this occasionally. It's easy to not do, if you don't make it a habit. Thanks for posting this. Awesome!

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In all of the posts I have read here over however many years, this is hands down the best one in my book. Great food for thought and so, so true. Thanks for sharing Teresa :)

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You just summed up what I love most about my husband. He hasn't lost that little boy inside him. Not only does it make him a great husband, it makes him a great dad.


Thanks for the reminder that we all need to make more time to just play.



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Thank you, Teresa ! You guys are a couple of grown kids we would play with, anytime. Fun-tastic, you guys seem to me. Yea, we're nuts to others sometimes, but again do we really have to worry so much ? In the grocery store, Ive been known to get in the basket, while Mrsfun runs down an isle pushing me. Unless, its her turn of course. My little trickster, fun-o-rama mind has also won me the of enjoyment of BEING, the loser too.


Once, I placed a discrete little black rubber band around the handle of the extend-able dish-rinsing spout at the sink, aimed cleverly with perfection. Then I played the sympathy on needing a drink soooo bad. "Please honey, could you get me a drink of water". Well you know what happened next. WIN ! WIN, WATER-WIN all in my favor. She took it pretty well HA HA wile I relished in my glory. Or at least, so I thought...


The next thing I know, the village seems safe enough, when in through the back door with garden hose in hand, soaking my ass full blast along with the kitchen, dining room, living room and out the front door into the lawn as I'm screaming like a little girl. She had planned her attack well, making sure alllll of the hose was rolled out enough to never run out of hose. Wouldn't you know it, one lady across the street yells "you two better knock it off over there, or I'm calling the Law" WTF ? We didn't say anything back, but were thinking. Get back in your damn house lady and worry if the mail mans 2 min late, ya bitchtard. She obviously hadn't had any fun in so long, she forgot not only how to, but probably doesn't know it exists. I kinda feel sorry for those couples.


(sigh) I just hate thinking, it's play time, game over some day. :cool:

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Love the story Fun, :)


We've spent today playing...Go Fish, Connect Four, Trouble, Wii golf and Wii bowling with a 4 1/2 yo, 2 1/2 yo and 1 1/2 yo...the 2 1/2 month old wasn't much into playing games today....Also, everyone in the house today (only 12 showed up today) HAD to be in the cookie race, :lol:....now that was fun :D



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