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Starting over...

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Isn't that easy, but it's full of new adventures.


Since Ted and I spend every other weekend in North Carolina, we've decided to see about getting involved in the swinger scene here (in N.C. at the time of this posting).


We are well established in Florida, having many friends we can call upon and knowing all the good house parties to attend. Everyone we party/play with in Florida know we're only in town every other weekend and understand our situation.


What we're looking for here in N.C. is to find a few friends who are also understanding of our hectic life.


We've been searching the club sections of many different sites we're on and there are quite a few clubs within an hour drive of us. The one problem we're finding is that most don't allow single men, especially on Saturday nights and that's what we're basically looking for. We understand this and accept it for what it is.


We also know and understand that we're going to have to get ourselves established in a club so we can get to know the regulars. You can do all the research you want on the internet, but nothing is as good as "good old word of mouth" when it comes to finding the good spots.


We're not that much of a hurry in finding a place we "fit in" here because of the holidays coming up, but have taken a proactive approach by changing our profile to reflect we're in N.C.. Once the new year is here and things settle down we'll get back in the game of visiting clubs, finding house parties and contacting those we find interesting in hopes of meeting.


The one advantage that we have over newbies just getting into swinging is that we know what we're looking for, what we want to find and what we're facing in the journey of finding it.


So, even though it's like we're starting over again we're really not...it's the same game just a different town with new and wonderful adventures awaiting us.




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NC has a pretty active scene as a whole. Quite a few clubs statewide. I don't know much about the clubs in the area you guys will be playing, but I imagine they should be pretty good, knowing the area in general.

I know you guys will have no problem "starting over" with a secondary swinger home. Bet you're the toast of the party within a few months. :)

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Thanks guys :) We actually received an invite to a house party last night. Unfortunately, we were stuck (or Ted was stuck and I was stuck with him) at work last night and didn't get to attend.


As I said, we're in no hurry...which is basically the way we've always been...taking things as they happen and just enjoying the ride.



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Like you said, you're not newbies, and you know how to find what you're looking for. I'm sure ya'll will find it soon enough.



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