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Preparing for Event No. 1

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Well, we're going down an invsible checklist getting ready for our first event at a local on-premises club. The event is Friday and here's what we've done so far:


1. Mrs. Swingly: ordered outfit from the internet. Green satin corset with black lace, matching thong and opera length black satin gloves with black fishnets; check! (I plan to wear a skirt over all of this, using the corset as my top for the earlier part of the evening) When it's time to get naughty, skirt comes off, butt sticks out, viola! Well, that's the plan in my head anyway. We'll see how it really goes. Mr. Swingly and I are planning to get it on some time during the evening anyway, so the plan for the skirt coming off and the butt sticking out seems to be a solid one.:xmaskiss:


2. Mr. and Mrs. Swingly: recon mission to find club in the daylight. This was a brilliant idea which we managed to accomplish on Sunday morning/early afternoon. Very glad we did it. The club is in kind of in the semi-stix without too much light, so it might have made for a nerve-wracking time trying to find it in the dark. Plus it's been raining buckets here lately so that makes it even more pleasant to try to find a new place. Ever had a fight with the spouse over bad GPS direction? Thought so.... 'nuff said.


3. Mr. and Mrs. Swingly: trip to the local Lover's Package store for lubes, condoms and just general goodies shoppage. Even though we are both fairly sure we will only be playing with each other, it will be fun to have our little bag of tricks along. I got a cool purple brushed metal condom case that made Mr. Swingly roll his eyeballs. Totally worth it!


I'm heading out of town on a brief business trip tomorrow evening - returning late Thursday. I'm sure Mr. Swingly (and Mr. Swingly's cock) can use the rest. :lol: Gotta have some game left for Friday night!


Well, that's it for tonight. I hope everyone reading this is warm and happy, and above all well LOVED in all the best ways and best places. ;)


Talk to you next after the event! (yay!)

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Oooo... it must be going on right now!... I hope you let us know how everything went for you when you've had a chance to relax!

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