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Not Fair...this is our place!!!

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So hubby came home last night and told me that while out with his best friend at the bar he heard an interesting story.

A little background. We have a very tight knit group of friends that hubby has known all his life and I've known for 12 years now. Our group of friends also consists of hubby's two younger sisters (in their mid to upper 20's).


So back to last night.


Last weekend the two sisters, the best friend and one other female were driving around downtown about 2am. They were trying to find out what they could go do when they started talking about a "Sex Club" they had heard about. (Yes that is what they called it). So they get to "OUR CLUB" and are turned away due to the fact that it is after 2am and its shutting down. The best friend goes on to tell my hubby that when they get back in town that is where they are going and can't wait to go etc etc. One of the girls even says You would be amazed at who you can run into at this club (no shit...)


All the while hubby is just playing dumb like oh we have never heard of this etc. etc.

He comes home and bursts my bubble with this story as well....this is OUR CLUB...OUR Thing!!! So we are lucky enough to know they are out of town tonight so we are heading there tonight.


But now we feel like hey you youngins have tons of bars and clubs etc etc. to go to downtown why do you have to go to our secret place??? Just doesn't seem fair. Yes we are selfish and have no interest in seeing his sisters or our other friends seeing us there!!

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UGH! That totally sucks. Have fun tonight. We wish we were gonna be there (once again missing you by a week). We'll be there next week (Friday for sure, and maybe Saturday too).

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Yeah, I'm sorry: I won't lie. That does seem a bit selfish. But due to your need for discretion I would try to say, I don't know, "encourage" another bar or club. Maybe another one like it but somewhere else.

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