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A Little Fall of Rain
can hardly hurt me now, I'm here, and . . . Oh my stars, what an awful drive! I abhor driving in the rain, and it was freaking pouring today as we drove to Philly to visit my mom. We had to take separate cars, since Mr. Sweet has to be in D.C. again tomorrow (but he comes home "for good" on Tuesday).
Other than the drive, it was a good visit. Mom's birthday is tomorrow, so we put up a banner in her room, brought her some of her favorite treats (Little Debbie Swiss Cake rolls and Girl Scout cookies), some stationary, and a pair of glasses. The specs are another story all their own.
She had just gotten new glasses before she fell ill, but they messed up her prescription. She didn't need them until about 8 months ago, and even then, she didn't say anything--until she got a letter and asked me to read it to her. Apparently, the folks at her nursing home have put through an application to medical assistance for her to be seen by an eye doc, but it's taking forever. Mr. Sweet suggested that we just pick her up a pair of reading glasses from the drugstore, but she has an odd prescription. She's nearsighted in one eye, and farsighted in the other. Guess who else has that same problem?
Yep, you guessed it! So I went to have an "extra" pair of glasses made, but my kids were in tow. I guess they actually absorbed my lessons that lying is wrong, because they gave me no end of grief when they heard me tell the lady at the vision center about me wanting an extra pair "just in case." I had to explain the concept of doing the wrong thing for the right reason to them.
Anyway, Mom was thrilled to be able to see again (or at least, better than before), and to have supplies to write back to her friends. We included her on our Family Game Night, too, though I think next time we'll have to pick something more "old school". Disney Scene It! wasn't her thing.
Now that I'm home and the kids are in bed, I'm enjoying a nice stiff drink and an episode of The L Word (my new tv addiction) before I turn in.
Two more days 'till Cancun!!!
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