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Waitin' for the second comin' of Ophelia

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Three things came together this evening:

* Grass

* The DVD of Martin Scorsese's film The Last Waltz was found under the entertainment center while trying to find the pipe that had rolled under it.

* JoAnn and I, having a spiritual experience involving mind, bodies, music and movie.


The Band are our generation. Every time I come to believe that I know just about all that need be known about the culture of the 1960 and 1970s, something happens that makes me realize that I understand very little, actually, about it. A distance in time and a new interpretation bring things into focus or allow, at least, a view from a new angle. Another strange coincidence is that so many of the people who were in this 1980s film are being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this weekend. Some wag said that if you remember the sixties, you were not actually there. I'm here to tell you that it was not really that way. It was a exciting time but it was also a much more sober time. So don't believe everything your hear.


Life is good.


Now, a bit of news. About the time that our Sweet_TNA and her Mr. Sweet are coming home from Cancun, JoAnn and I will be on a boat on our way to Cozumel. Hoping that The Sweets had a good time. We are very much looking forward to ours.


Vaya con Dios,



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Aww, thanks for thinking of us. We had a terrific time, and a full trip report is forthcoming.


Hope your vacation is as wonderful as ours was!



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I am so very pleased to hear you had a great time. Yes, full trip report , please. And we appreciate the good wishes.

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