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We have only been in the life style a short while. 2yrs and really haven't much experience due to not going out much and children, school, work, family and all of our vanilla friends but one thing we did make sure of was to communicate our bounderies for when we do play! Great idea right? Well, last night we were at our favorite club and all was well for about 4 hours of play time with a beautiful woman that I had met online and asked to join us for some hot sensual playtime. For a split second I had a gut wrenching feeling in my stomach that something was wrong! I didn't see him put on the condom that was left. I blew it off for a minute but gently slid my hand down to his dick to check, sure enough he wasn't wearing one. I asked why he didn't have it on and he said it must have come off. I looked over and the last one was on the floor still in the package. I got pretty upset and started to yell alittle about why. I asked her to excuse us and asked him again why he didn't put it on. He said the same thing, it fell off, when I called him out on his lie I was so angry that I couldn't even control my temper and yelled, took off my rings and said that he asked me to marry him so that he could just disrespect me. I brought pussy to you I said and all I asked was that you always wear a condom. He and I had made that #1 rule. I said some awful things out of hurt feelings and anger. I do love him but feel very violated. The woman acted like it was not a big deal. So he expected me to be ok with it and continue to do what we were doing. I couldn't do that!! I thought bounderies and communication was what a loving relationship and a fun swinger lifestyle was all about. What do some of you think about my reaction? What about what he did, was I in the wrong? Help!! We are now not engaged and he is moving out! My heart hurts soooo badly! Please help!:confused::(

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I guess now we know how you lost your rings in the parking lot. You were right to be upset, if this was your rule together then it should have been kept.

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I agree with Julie. I think if you two do get back together you should take a break from this lifestyle and work on your trust issues b/c it will be a hard road. This lifestyle is not for everyone and I'm the first to say sometimes its overwhelming and you just need to take a step back and remember that this is supposed to be fun.

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I do agree about stepping back for awhile with or without him. I am probably going to have a really hard time with the trust because we have played many times and my trust for him I thought was unbreakable. Boy was I wrong!! I never thought that a man with it all in his lap would ever push the boundries to fit him for all of 5min and a lifetime of horrible memories! I do appreciate you all and your time to read my blog!! I am still broken and hopefully on the way to rebuilding the trust I had in my judgements! Thanks!!!

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We had a condom break on our first time out...and he noticed it was broken, took it off and continued with what they were doing. His thoughts were...well...the damage is already done (ie: it broke...so he he was going to 'catch' any cooties, damage done).


Mine were pretty much along your lines, that is our primary rule...wtf?


I posted about it here (altho I'm pretty sure I was more pissed and hysterical about it than I am now lol).

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I have never been on a site like this and so newbie is not even close! LOL I do want to thank all who have given their input on this issue as it was tearing me apart! UPDATE, we are back together and discussed what we were both thinking(a little late, better than never) and came to the agreement that I get to be on rubber duty which is fine with me because that allows us to take the shared responsibility. He did make a valid point though, when we play with women and goin down on them without protection he is just as weiry about if I am going to get something or from thier mouth to my hoo ha! I suppose I didn't think of it that way because I am not up in them and visa versa. Then kinda felt bad about not taking that into consideration before i snapped. WOW, guys really think about that!

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