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Each day provides opportunity to learn.

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My stepdaughter is in town for the holidays. She is very intelligent and very practical, a woman who has her feet firmly on the ground. She and I made an expedition to the supermarket while her Mom busied herself preparing things in the kitchen. While in the personal hygiene aisle, I made a casual remark that the made-in-China store-brand razor blades were not as good as the original brand. She reached for a package of disposable razors, you know, the kind that have the handle and all, and handed the package over to me saying, "Try these. They're good for any place I've ever applied them." With uncomfortable images in my head, my eyebrow went up. What ever in the world could she possibly mean by any place, fervently praying that she was not going to elaborate? My mind quickly settled down with the more sober thought that she probably meant legs and underarm.


Anyway, her recommendation has proved to be more than right. These disposable razors not only perform better than even my original name-brand, they are less expensive than the cheap Chinese blades. Each day provides opportunity to learn.

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Gillette, of course. They're called "Good News". I was drawn to them because I once lived in Gillette, Wyoming, the sharpest town in America.

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