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Great time out of town, bad reason for being out of town

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So this week we were able to take some time away from the kids and work, the reason was not a good one, but we also were in the mood to have some fun while we were out of town.


On Monday we had a possible play date with some friends in a town about half way between where we live and our final destination. The date fell through early in the day, before we even left home. So we decided to throw up a “booty call” on a few of the sites we use, listing the town we were going to be spending the night in. We have used this feature a few times locally and never had any luck with it. We have much better luck just going out to one of the local bars and meeting people. So anyway we figured we would give it a try. We got 2 responses, but both of them fell through during our drive to the midway point on our trip. We ended up checking into our hotel and then going out to dinner. After dinner we went to a “toy” store to see if there might be any couples out and about, we had also forgot our play bag in the other car and needed a few supplies. We then went to the bar in the hotel and met a few people but no luck hooking up. We have done this in the past, we really don’t have an issue with trying to hook up with vanillas when we are out of town, it’s not like we will be outed.


Tuesday we woke up about 9am and checked out of our hotel to finish our drive to our final destination. We had posted up that we were going to be in town and able to meet up after 10pm. My mother -in-law took us out to dinner for my birthday, after which we dropped her off at home and went back to our hotel. I immediately checked our mail to see if we had any response to our post, no luck once again. It was only 9:30 so we decided to see what trouble we could get into. We found a local titty bar that was only 2 blocks from our hotel and decided to walk over and see what was going on. We got to the bar and chose seats in the center of the seating area with a good view of the stage. The first few dancers were nothing to write home about. We both like dancers who dance and are interactive with the audience. The first 2 just strutted around the stage and collected bills from the guys. As the 3rd dancer took the stage a nice young woman stopped by our table and introduced herself as Jaqui (she spelled it out for us…lol). She asked if she could join us and we said sure. We bought her a drink and chatted with her for about 20 minutes until she was due to go on stage. Being polite we both went up and tipped her, she was a “dancer” not a strutter and put on a good show for us. We had told her that we are swingers and a while after her set was over she brought over some friends of hers. It turns out that she had called them and asked them to come to the club to meet us. Jaqui introduced us and they joined us at our table. We spent about an hour talking to the 3 of them. I could tell that Leah was interested in John and he seemed to be interested in her as well. Carrie was quite shy and I was having a hard time getting her to open up. Jaqui told us that she needed to go due to having collage finals the next day, she said her good byes and headed back to the dressing room to put on her street clothes. After a few drinks we decided that we needed to go somewhere else, John suggested a bar up the street that had good dance music, so off we went. Leah took John’s arm and strolled up the sidewalk leaving me with Carrie, Carrie asked if I minded if she smoked, being a smoker myself we both lit up and walked behind Leah and John. When we got to the new club we told Leah and John to go ahead while we finished our smokes. Carrie apologized for being so quiet, she said that they had played with Jaqui a few times and that she always felt over shadowed by her. At this point she really opened up and we had 3 or 4 cigarettes and chatted outside the club. When we realized that we had been standing there for half an hour we decided to go find Leah and John. They were easy to spot, they were on the dance floor locked in a kiss that lasted till the song ended. As they came off the floor, they spotted us and started grinning like kids caught snooping under the X-mas tree, Carrie and I just started laughing. I turned to Carrie and kissed her, she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back. I looked at Leah and John and asked “should we go back to our room?” Leah quickly said “Hell Yes!!” We walked back to our hotel, stopping to kiss and grope each other every few steps. As soon as we got to the room the clothes flew, Leah and Carrie started with some girl/girl fun as John and I mixed some drinks. The girls didn’t last long together, as they grabbed us and pulled us onto the bed with them. John and Carrie left our room about 4am after exchanging contact info with us.


It was a great Birthday for me, and you can bet that we will be going to visit the Mom-in-law more often in the future.


Wednesday we went to the funeral that the trip was all about. After the service we headed back home. As we were leaving town my cell rang, it was the couple from the midpoint town, asking us if we had time to stop on our way home for some play time? So we drove back to their town and had a great night with them as well.


This morning we drove the rest of the way home, all in all a great trip even if the reason for it was not.



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One of the main reasons that we do get to play as often as we do, when at home or out of town is our attitude about it. When we say we go into all situations with no expectations we really mean it. I don't think the night(s) would have turned out as well if we didn't go into it like that.


It's very hard not to have some expectations about what "might" happen, but over the years we have found that when we least expect it we find some fun people to play with.


About 4 years ago Leah was grocery shopping while we were on a trip, we had rented a house boat, just the two of us. She met a couple in the store who were on a 2nd honey moon also on a house boat. She said that they should join us for cocktails and dinner in a secluded cove a few miles down the lake. No pressure just a nice dinner with some new people. After she got back to the boat she told me that she had invited them.


About an hour later we saw them enter our cove, we both scrambled to put some clothes on as quickly as we could so as to not embarrass them. Well it was to late as they had seen us as they came around the corner. The Mrs of this couple gave a quick shout out that there was no need to get dressed, that they would strip down and join us in the sun. The hubby had a look of shock on his face that I can still see. They tossed us lines to tie their boat to ours and she quickly stripped down baring her very nice body. Her hubby reluctantly also dropped trou and they stepped on to our boat. We quickly offered up drinks for all and we spent the afternoon talking and enjoying the hot day (well hot for us 80F) They both admitted that this was the first time that they had ever been naked, not only outside but in front of others. After a short while they became very comfortable in their nudity and the conversation flowed right into dinner. After dinner we said our good byes and they untied their boat and motored off around the point.


A few days later we pulled into a cove and low and behold there were our new friends, naked as the day they were born. They called out for us to join them on their boat. They offered to repay us for the meal, we accepted and once again spent the afternoon enjoying the sun, swimming and the company of new friends. They thanked us for introducing them to being nude in the great out doors. As the day wore on I noticed that the Mrs. of the couple was getting quite red from the sun on parts that were not used to it. I offered to get her some aloe lotion that works great for sunburn. When I got back from our boat, Leah and the hubby were in the water. The Mrs asked me to put the lotion on her buns as she couldn't reach. Not being one to pass up such an opportunity I obliged. During dinner the conversation turned to sex (thanks to my beautiful bride) and we all were enjoying being so open. We found out that they had had a few 3 ways early on in their relationship but had not pursued it once they were married. The conversation had us all a little hot and bothered and we decided to take a swim to cool things off. It didn't work, as soon as we were all in the water the fondling and kissing started between the women, both the hubby and I encouraged them to keep going as it was quite hot to watch. So the girls moved from the water to the dive platform and continued their playtime. It quickly went from there to the lounge where we all got involved, ending in a full swap that lasted all night and into the next 2 days until they had to head back to the dock and home. We never did get their contact info and haven't seen them at any of the events we have attended.


So the moral of the story is keep your eyes and your options open, you never can tell where fun is going to come from.



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Wow! Hot stories! Thanks for sharing. I rarely read the blogs, but I'm glad I did. You should post this on the forum too.

Edited by funcoupledayton

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