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Is it Friday yet?

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I'm all packed and ready to go! Mr. Sweet and I will be joining our friends for our annual family camping trip this weekend, and this year promises to be quite interesting.


There is a third family joining us, whom we've known for a couple years now. They actually joined us on last year's camping trip. But just recently, "Lois and Peter" have decided to dip their toes in the lifestyle pool. (They'd been vanillas in-the-know since we met them.)


They attended the same house party we did last weekend, with no real intent to play, but to check out the scene. Thanks to a rather mean-spirited stunt by one of the guests, Peter and Lois were duped into breaking one of their rules, and some drama ensued.


While we (and our other friends) have enough sense to tread lightly, it's a fair bet we'll be peppered with questions, and there will be some heavy flirting going on.



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