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Well once again....

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We were kind of stood up for a date. But this time we knew in advance that they might not be able to make it, one of their kids was coming down with something so they had let us know in advance that it might not work.


So when they e-mailed on Friday night and let us know that they wouldn't be able to meet up with us it wasn't a surprise or that much of a disappointment.


Since we had planned on going out we figured that we would see if we could find someone else to go out to dinner with (preferably someone new) So we got out the old laptop on Saturday morning and started to chat with new people, sent a few e-mails and ended up with couple that we had never met before. We arraigned to meet them at a casino restaurant for dinner. Right off the bat we were physical attracted to them, Nice looking. However by the time dinner had arrived we knew that there was going to be no hanky panky, I don't think any of us were feeling "it" so we just had a great dinner and chatted. we talked on our way home that they were fun people but it just wasn't there and that we would love to keep them as friends to go drinking/parting with.


So even if the night was a bust as far as hookups go it was a great night in making new friends.


On another good note, due to contacting/chatting with so many new people on Saturday morning we now have several more potential dates for the future.

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Was the no feeling "it" due to just not being attracted after all or just no one was in the mood?


We find that sometimes eating dinner with a couple, it's hard to get things rolling as it's a pretty vanilla event if in a public place. It seems for us, things get rolling better if we are drinking/dancing/etc in a more free atmosphere.

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No there was a physical attraction on my part at least, but she (the other women) just didn't seem to interested. Leah was not feeling it for him either which is strange because she likes most guys.

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Good for you for trying to make the best out of things. We should probably try doing that more often.



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