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We're about to break the news to our dear friends and favorite swing partners.


We can't see you again for a while.


The sex is great; the chemistry electric. We met almost two months ago at a party. We've played together 4 times in that span, three times spending the night, one of those times spending two nights. And we're spending two more nights next weekend.


We haven't seen anyone else in that span of time. Not for lack of trying, but it just hasn't worked out. We've known for a while that we NEEDED to play with someone else, and soon, or else the fixation we've had on our good friends could make things sour (in contrast they have had other playmates during that span, and we're happy for them). They've been great hosts and partners. They've done absolutely nothing wrong. But we've found ourselves thinking too much about them... wondering what they think, how they feel.


And it's causing a little stress. No fighting, no, nothing like that. But when Mrs. and I talked the other night, we agreed that the potential for friction is lurking under the surface. And we don't like it.


Heck, we play in separate rooms with them. Which we are all comfortable with, of course. But as I mentioned to Mrs. recently... we came into the LS to watch each other with others. This friendship has kinda turned into less about you and me, and more about my relationship with her, and your relationship with him.


And that's not what we want. This has grown into its own entity, and it needs to be pared back.


With some time and variety between us, we can put our relationship with them in proper perspective, and move our relationship with each other back where it belongs. No, we enjoy the sex & the friendship with them too much to say goodbye completely. We love them to death, but for things to stay healthy we've got to manage it better.

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I think that's one of the common traps of swinging, we've found ourselves in a similar situation. The playtime is so good and so much fun that something inside us wants to do it again and again. Then one day we notice that we're getting too close to them for our emotional comfort.


I think most experienced swingers will appreciate the situation you've found yourselves in and understand your need for new variety. Don't sweat the small stuff, this is an indication of advancement as respectful swingers.

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I think ya'll are making the right decision. We've been there, though we didn't have the sense to pare things back before drama ensued.


They should be able to take your decision in stride and understand that this is all part of finding your way in the lifestyle.



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While I agree with your decision to not see them for a while, I don't really see the need to tell them "We can't see you for a while", or the reason behind it.


I think just not being available until you two move past this is enough.


Odd how these things roll. The more we see a couple, the less we play with them.

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Turns out they were in agreement that things were getting TOO hot. We still communicate by phone and text. We all knew we wouldn't stay away from each other. He and I went to school together may years ago and many miles away... so we will always have a connection.


Seems a month away was the right tonic. We're beginning to entertain the idea of catching up again.

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