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Newbie's Journey - Club 1 - The club that shall not be named

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In late June, after lining up a baby sitter for a special extra late Saturday night date of "dining and dancing", our first club experience ended up being an unmitigated disaster. The event was billed as an open house and meet and greet for a newly opened club. We were very much looking forward to this event, but were careful to keep our expectations low. If we got some dancing and flirting out of the evening we would be happy.


However, the event didn't even meet those low expectations. There were maybe 3 or 4 other couples in attendance (and they all apparently knew each other already and we were pretty much ignored). The tour of the rabbit warren of a back area was perfunctory and rushed. There was no DJ and no one dancing. The club itself was a repurposed ancient strip club (and it showed). Initially we thought we'd just gotten there too early and hung around hoping it would get better, it didn't, and we stayed far too long before realizing the truth.


Disappointed, we bailed and headed home early to give each other sympathy sex.


Lessons Learned:


  1. Unlike the Dan Savage inspired LGBT video series, when it comes to lifestyle clubs, it doesn't always get better.
  2. Caveat emptier - New is not necessarily good.

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