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What On Earth Are We Doing?
"What on Earth Are We Doing?" was the legend on the t-shirt my wife wore on our first anniversary. It was a gift from the NRDC or something, all cotton. She stood in front of the camera, posing so that the legend filled the frame. Then she stepped back, revealing the rest of her luscious body, and I took her shirt off.
It was our first kinky departure from standard marriage fare, making love on video-tape. We went back the next day and did it again, this time focusing on oral play. I felt like the luckiest man alive, married to a gorgeous woman who was determined to broaden her experience and decrease her inhibitions.
I am the luckiest man alive, but though we did much else, we never made love on video-tape again. We keep the old micro-cassette on our bed stands. I'm not even sure we still have the technology to play it.
But it's there. And that's enough for now.
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