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I'm a bitch

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Evidently, I'm an extremely negative bitch... according to certain people in our local swinger group. It seems the new rule on our group is if you can't say anything positive don't speak... and since I bothered to say some negative things about one of the clubs we visited (which happens to be the favorite club of some of the folks in our group) and then said some very negative things about our dinner that night (both during the hour long wait for the food and after when I got double billed for the crappy dinner), I am a negative bitch and never have anything good to say.


We had a feeling that it was going to be an issue that we didn't care for their club of choice (TSC seems to be the preferred club of most of those in our local group, although definatley not all), especially since we left early. I dared say something about the smoke bothering me and I got responded with "well the smoke was bad at Menages too". Um no actually I've never left Menages smelling like smoke, even after being there all night. We were at this club for an hour and my eyes were burning and I smelled like smoke.


The owner of the local group actually forwarded me an email from another couple in our group about how negative I was being and how I just needed to shut up "if you can't say anything positive don't speak". Whatever, I'm annoyed.

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You know when did having your own opinion become a bad thing? I'm sorry but I think that its rude for anyone to give someone a hard time b/c they aren't as satisfied with a particular place. You went you tried it but it just wasn't for you. The thing that I'm sure bothers them all is why you don't like it and why they do. I'm sorry but you have the right to have your OWN opinion!

One reason we will most likely never go to TSC is b/c of the negative feedback we have received from those who have been to both clubs. I know for a fact that alot of people have said that TSC has a better club layout but not a better club overall. We also prefer Menages..but this is not even about that its about being able to speak your mind.

I don't know you personally but we feel like we know you both from our emails and this board. I don't think you are negative at all. You actually sent us a really great detailed email about your trip to both clubs and the restaurant and I felt like you gave an honest review of everything. Just b/c you had a bad time and voiced that honestly doesn't mean you are negative just honest. Sorry that you are getting a hard time from those in your group I think that is rude and insensitive. Next time you come to town just let us know we will take you to a real "non chain"/friendly server restaurant and the club you enjoy!!

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I'm sorry that your "local group" is unhappy about your comments, but you had the same experience we did. It just wasn't for us. We're smokers, but I became physically ill and had to leave. You have a right to your opinion and they're being childish to react the way they did.

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Julie, I am just getting back to the blogs and thats bullshit in my book. Our new club is non smoking. As you know we smoke( Im down to a few) but there is a politeness that goes with the mix. We dont smoke in our house any longer and have become accustomed to most places being non smoking. Why they wouldn't consider making things a little more non-smoker friendly is a strange thing, concidering the changes about the subject lately in the whole country.

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The smoke was only a small portion of it... the thing was when I mentioned that others got totally defensive trying to say that Menages was just as bad (and the night we were at Menages there was a small electrical fire so a whole different smoke to contend with - but we barely noticed as we headed up stairs right when it started and by the time we came back it was all clear). All I know is we go to Menages and when we get back to the room I don't feel like I have to strip and run to the shower to get the stink off me... and I felt that way after an hour at the other club.

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Aren't they being rude by complaining about you?:lol: And telling you what not to to talk about? Time for a new circle of associates, cause they sure ain't friends.


My first ever post to a blog!!!!

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I am a considerate smoker, so I would be outside or on a patio. J can't stand smoke. I agree with Biloxicouple on this.

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Well my personal experience with you Julie is that you are NOT negative, and you will NOT let folks walk all over you.


lets put this in a different perspective, your at a restaurant that allows smoking, their smoking area is not segregated and filtered, and the food comes way late and is not of good quality, and got charged 2 times the amount what would any of us do then? why should anyone stand for poor service and ambiance no matter where you are. I dare say you would be up to the owner/mamnager and let them know whats up, and you darn sure are not likely to speak highly of the place.


IMHO its the damn PC game they have going on all over... don't hurt their little feelings.. awww the poor dears... I say Pshaw grow up and fix the problem wank

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TSC...and they are trying to expand into TSC East in Chattanooga... while everyone has their "tastes" like coffee, tea or me...TSC is in its own "taste" class for swinging clubs and it is not for every swinging couple at all...certainly not for newbies with little experience on how to interpet the party. So if you are a true hardcore party animal and can throw your better half to the wolves without thinking about it, then consider that TSC might just be your "coffee or tea or..." but not us.


We suspect that the TSC East is the result of local crowd burnout in Nashville and this is a business move to Chattanooga to open a new market. The clubs are businesses that about making money and not about giving us the personal pleasures we seek for ourselves for free. That's why private house parties are so good and there is never a cover charge, so the clubs don't promote them in any manner. "Just bring your cash and we will mop the floor after you leave..." would be a good motto for TSC.


There are lots of way to enjoy swinging and TSC is for the more "wolf" oriented party scene. The smoke clouds there are just the first indicator...

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