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The ironic journey

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A couple initiated contact recently on SLS (we LOVE it when that happens) and we got to meet them on Thursday. They are each 10 years other than we, but our recent experience with another older couple was quite positive, so we had no apprehensions whatsoever. They are an interesting pair... more into mental stimulation than any other couple we have conversed with. Scheduling hasn't yet worked out for a date, but it's not really much of an issue since anticipation is very much part of the game with them.


We have another couple that we are very close with. After we first met at a party, we also played the mental stimulation game as we planned our next date with them. Things when great with she and I... the other two were easily more intense at the start. Scheduling made it tougher for them to stay in contact, while she and I continued on. This imbalance started an undercurrent of displeasure and she and I drew closer, but Mrs.DontStop and he were not quite able to. We were very new to this and it started to swell... to the point that we took a step back to reevaluate. Three months have since passed and we have set a date to see them again.


In a strange turnabout however, we are experiencing a similar but opposite situation with our new friends. Mrs and he talk and text quite a bit, while I and the other Mrs haven't quite been able to. While this does not bother me, the irony is interesting.


Aside from the mental stimulation, this couple also seems more interested in a longer, more sensual sex than others. While I talked to her, she said plainly "We're already in love, and we know who we're going home with at the end of the night." I sense that they've had a problem in the past with others who tried to take more from the relationship than NSA sex. Which I could understand, since many couples want it hot and quick to keep emotion far away. And this is not a love thing, this is a fun thing. But no secret here. I enjoy the art of seduction. It's something I initially had to teach Mrs, but she enjoys it as well.


We're certainly eager to see where this all takes us. But not quite in a rush. That would ruin half the fun.


After all it's the journey, not the destination.

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The hot and quick leaves me feeling a but unfulfilled (guy half). I enjoy taking our time and having a sensual time. Without the mental connection I just don't enjoy it as much.

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I can totally appreciate the art of seduction.


If the mental connection isn't there, the physical connection just doesn't happen for me. And there is so much to be said for antici . . . pation.



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You have to connect intellectually, or the whole thing seems mechanical or over-compensatory. (Much like that last word. :) ) It also weeds out the impatient horn-dogs-- if you want to weed them out. (Sometimes, they're just what you're looking for.)

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