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The Call
Mrs & I went to a Meet & Greet the other night. I'm personally getting a little concerned about these events because they seem to be getting a bit cliquish. But maybe people thought the same about the six of us huddled up at a table together most of the night.
We caught up with some playmates of ours, and introduced them to each other. One couple we had not seen in at least a month of which the female is one of my favorite partners, and the feeling seems to be mutual. As a matter of fact, when they left the female of the other couple looked at me and said "You're glowing!" Mrs.DontStop winked and said "Yeah, he has a thing for her."
The night drew on and finally at about 12:30 AM we'd had enough. I had a long day, and even with a nap I was wiped out. And I had an early morning and a long drive ahead of me the next day. We said our goodbyes to our other friends around the bar. While Mrs was in a lip lock with another woman, her phone rang. I recognized the name... it was another couple we were hoping would show up at the M&G, but we knew they might not make it.
I took the call and stepped outside where it was quiet. They went to another function about an hour away and had met some cool LS folks. They asked what we were doing. I told them we were just leaving the Meet & Greet. The female says "I'm riding 'Bill' right now and we'd love it if you two came by."
I ran inside to Mrs (who was in conversation at this point) and whispered "We've been summoned." As we got into the car I explained "That was Cindy & Bill who just called and they just invited us over to play." She reached for the phone saying "Alrighty then. I'll tell them we're on the way."
I stopped her and said "I ALREADY told them we were on the way."
We laughed on the way and I said "You know what, I think that was a booty call!"
We had a great time with them, finally getting home around 3:15. As I pulled into our driveway I said to Mrs, "It's pretty cool that we have friends who'll call us up at 12:30 on a Thursday night for a booty call... and they're probably thinking 'It's cool to have friends we can call up at 12:30 on a Thursday night for a booty call!'"
Funnier still... they called us earlier in the week inviting us over for dinner. Strictly a vanilla gathering. I did bring this up in their company, and they got a giggle also.
The Lifestyle constantly gives us moments where we stop and think "How did we end up here, doing this, at this point in our life?" This was just another one.
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