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Surprise Under the Hood

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After test-driving a friend's hood piercing, I determined that it was not the obstacle I thought it would be, and decided to get one of my own (and surprise my hubby). I peppered her with questions about the procedure, where to go, etc. It turns out her piercer had moved on to parts unknown, so I asked a couple more folks for recommendations.


One of my gal pals and I went yesterday. I was hoping for a horizontal piercing, but upon inspection, the piercer recommended a vertical for me. As he came highly recommended, I took his word for it.


While it didn't hurt as badly as I anticipated, I hadn't eaten enough, so I got a bit dizzy after the needle went through. A few minutes and a few sips of water later, and I was right as rain.


I only took a quick glance when the piercer gave me the mirror, as my friend was on a tight schedule, and the shop opened late that day. I couldn't believe how hard it was to find a hand mirror at home! :lol: But upon further inspection, I think I like it better than I'd have liked the horizontal.


I couldn't wait to show my honey, but was admittedly nervous, since I wasn't 100% sure of his reaction. I knew he wouldn't demand I remove it or anything, though.


He was pleasantly surprised, and of course we gave it a test drive, though I probably should have waited a few days. :rolleyes: That said, I think it's gonna' work out just fine once the swelling goes down/it heals completely. I even found a cute little piece with a butterfly to replace it with when the starter "ring" is ready to come out.



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While it didn't hurt as badly as I anticipated, I hadn't eaten enough, so I got a bit dizzy after the needle went through. A few minutes and a few sips of water later, and I was right as rain.


I just passed out a little....


That said, I think it's gonna' work out just fine


Great to hear you made this a surprise for MrSweet :)

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So now that it has been a month, has it brought you the pleasure you had hoped it would? As a man, I am curious about the personal effect a woman gets with the piercing. Any thoughts you can share?

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Thanks ya'll!


I never had issues with being sensitive there, but boy howdy, has it increased! I wasn't expecting it to make such a difference, but I'll take it.


Oh, and jeans days at work are quite interesting . . .



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