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Home Again

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Given that we've basically been on a break from swinging for the last 2 years and have hit up our "home" club maybe once every 6 months during that time, we jumped back in with a bang the last few weeks. For the month of June we hit a different party every Saturday night and it was exhausting! LOL. Yes, we had fun, but none of them felt quite "right". Last night we finally made it back to our "home" club and they moved back to their "home". The hotel that our favorite social was in closed last year after the tornados so they had to move, and then the place they moved to was too small, so they moved again but that place was too far away and no one wanted to drive all the way over there. Now that the hotel they were in a year ago is finally open again they are back. It was so nice.


I don't know what it is about that club, maybe it's the people or the fact that we know enough people to feel really comfortable but when we are there we never feel the need to stay in our chairs, we walk around from the second we get there meeting new people, kissing old friends and just mingling. As the night moves on we dance. I get home and my feet hurt because I've been on them all night. I've missed that at the last few parties we've gone to and I was starting to wonder if it was just us because we were feeling out of place after our break or what. I mean we've known people at every club we've been to in the last month, but we just haven't felt totally comfortable at any of them to really mix and mingle like we do. Even the dancing, I love to dance but I just haven't been able to pull myself out on the dance floor.


Last night was just so good and fun and I felt like myself and it's just nice to be home.

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Good for you! It's true, there is no place like home - and that can mean a lot of things outside of just the four walls you live, sleep, and eat in.

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Hi Julie, thanks for posting this message. We are going through very close to the same thing. We have been very low-keyed the past year or longer. This has been for several reasons, but we decided to get back out there, and went to a house party New Years Eve. It was a large one that we go to every year. My wife spent over an hour getting ready the party, and we chatted with others we know but have not seen in at least a year. Like you, we felt somewhat out of place but the real issue was she asked several men if they wanted to play, and was turned down. I really felt bad for her, as she was finally feeling sexy again and was ready, then turned down. I know we men get turned down, but I just am surprised as in the past, she could/would play as much as she could handle. There have been a couple of instances like this, but this was the latest plus with well over 100 people, plenty of possible playmates. I was told by 2 different men that out of sight, out of mind. That appears true, and now we have to change this. Please keep us posted on how things are going for you, and that might help us as well.

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