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The Great Outdoors

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Last weekend was the Sweet and Flintstone annual family camping trip. A few other friends joined us, and helped make it a most memorable weekend. Mr. Sweet actually took the day off on Friday (gasp!), so I had extra help loading up the car and setting up camp. Friday was also Boy’s birthday (he turned thirteen), and we all enjoyed the S’mores cake I made for the occasion that evening.


I also enjoyed a lovely walk around the lake with my twin’s hubby Friday evening. It was so peaceful and beautiful, and I was almost tired by the time we got back to camp—but not so tired that I lacked the energy to attack my hubby.


The next night got more interesting. After the kids were in bed (in their own tents), the jello shots came out, and the adults got frisky. Most of us ended up in our tent. I started off playing with Fred when my twin (who was on the other side of the tent with her hubby and another couple) came over and started playing with me. I got a bit distracted, and I’m afraid I didn’t notice until she left to use the restroom that Fred had left the tent.

Poor Mr. Sweet seemed to need some attention, so I took care of him before crawling over to play with Mr. Other Couple. He was a little nervous, so he decided to give me some oral attention. He was rather surprised when I nearly flooded the floor of the tent.


By the time we moved to the air mattress, he’d shaken the nerves and we finished what we’d started. Mr. Sweet had wandered over to play with Mrs. Other Couple at some point.

Afterward, we all headed out to the campfire to warm up and dry off. Unfortunately, Other Couple’s little one woke up, and needed attention. While they were tending to her, my twin and her hubby emerged from Fred and Wilma’s tent. As they made their way over to the campfire, Other Couple decided to take their little one and turn in for the night. Twin and Mr. Sweet were ready to hit the sack (to sleep), as well. Yet again, my twin’s hubby and I were left to our own devices.


This time, we took a much shorter walk. We went to the bath house, and got busy in one of the shower stalls. When we returned to the tent, I was still wound up, so I pestered Mr. Sweet. Would you believe he went ‘round the next morning telling our friends that he’d been raped the night before? “I was fast asleep, and all of a sudden I woke up to this crazy woman attacking me.” :hahaha:


When asked why none of us heard any cries for help, he said that she kept shoving her tits in his face. He didn’t get much sympathy. Of course, that could also be because everyone was either exhausted or hung over from the night before (or both). The last day and night were very low key, which seemed to suit us all. Either way, Saturday night was a great reminder of the good ole’ days--when we first got started in the lifestyle, such happenings weren’t uncommon. Either way, it was a great weekend.



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