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Looking back; looking forward.

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Few people pay attention to this blogs area but it makes me feel good to put my feelings into words.


Looking back upon nearly eight years of swing lifestyle, my wife and I had many "not going to happen" things that have happened and very likely will continue. Fallen to the wayside are things like no-glove-no-love, same-room sex only, neither of us plays alone, never on the first date, and no single males. One not-gonna-happen fell away just yesterday evening. I was thrilled and delighted to have a roll in the hay with a woman forty-one years younger than myself. What a vanity that is for this old man. My wife had sex with a man thirty-two years her junior while he heaped compliments upon her. Very flattering for her. There goes the no younger than our children rule out the window. It flew out with very little thought and with no feelings of guilt or regret.


One principle that is going to stay is no alcohol on date nights or at parties. I have simply seen too many bad results. And it feels better that way.


I do not pretend that we represent models for other people in the lifestyle or that this is a recommendation on how to act. Just making observations about our own lives. And now a new-year's resolution. I am going to drop the idea of pursuing sex with people whom I know participate in The Lifestyle but who, owing to other social interactions, I have come to regard as friends. Fuck first; friendship develops after will remain a principle. But risking friendship because the sex proves to be bad or unfulfilled is going to be avoided. Heaven knows I have tried once or twice to entice a friend into the bedroom. Felt uncomfortable even as I tried. Can't let my penis do the thinking all of the time.


Happy New Year to all.



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Much of that has fallen by the wayside for us too. What we go on is if we're really feeling it and not riddled with potential drama then it's a go.

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Here's my wish for all of us that we enjoy ourselves and appreciate the people whom we have close to us all throughout this new year.

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