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Just have to rant a bit, We are involved in approving pics and profiles on a swinger’s site. I just spent 2 hours going over many profiles and 100’s of pics.


I have no idea what some people are thinking!

On the profile side, How many miss spellings can one person make, and some of the comments are so far out there to not be believable, Or there is so little info at all that you could do from it and pass.


The pictures are even worse! First of all good god open your eyes, unless of course you are sleeping in some sexy position and you are sure that the subject is not drooling all over their pillow.


If aliens are scanning our web they would most likely think that we all lived in small rooms with strange porcelain fixtures and our heads were bright stars of light, or with electronics permanently fixed to our appendages.


If this was too vague then to be clear quit using the bathroom mirror to take self-portraits with your cell phone.


Clean up the background, if it’s a pic you like then use a photo editor to do it. There is nothing more distracting than having kids, pets, clutter or trash all around you.


Sorry had to get it off my chest.



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Photos with kids in the background should never be approved. Honestly I don't mind the photos of drool, trash and clutter everywhere. It becomes a great tool to eliminate couples.

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Yeah kids, even if they are in the background shouldn't be allowed.


You have a point about using the photo as a tool. I was more looking at it from the view point of the person who has to look at hundreds of them and approve them.



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Cell phone images of oneself suggest that there is no one else willing to take a photograph. Poor grammar and casual disregard for spelling point to carelessness that probably spills over into other aspects of life. We ignore profiles containing either poor images or poor prose. We run from those that contain both. On the other hand, the rules for 'approving' photographs address neither composition nor clutter. The rules for approving profiles require only two complete sentences. (We too approve pictures and profiles on a popular site, likely the same one.)


We look forward to the rare profile that engages us with wit and perspective and look for those close by. When we have the privilege of meeting the authors, they are almost always interesting and fun.


As a beloved English teach in school remarked, "Never let a word go by without grasping its meaning."

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It absolutely depresses me to see how poorly the average person writes these days. I'm afraid it's one of the disadvantages of the electronic age, as people have fallen into the habit of text and IM speak, and no longer take the time to check their grammar and spelling.


The photos are another way we eliminate folks. (sighs, shakes head)

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I get what you're saying about the pics and profiles. If it's bugging you that bad, maybe you should step back from reviewing and approving for a while, until you feel better about it. ;)

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