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I hate this town



We live in a really small, gossipy, buckle of the bible belt town. We aren't natives, and although we have been here 20 years now, we will never be fully accepted for lots of reasons, one of which is we are and always will be outsiders since we can't name one much less 20 relatives that live within a mile of us.


There is a single guy that she casually knows through him being a customer of her company who likes to flirt with her, and she likes him and will flirt back. Lately he's ratcheted that up, and so she responded in kind and was throwing out some double entendres about what her sexual availability might be, thinking it was all in good fun and also to see how would react so she could gauge the possibilities there. The crack in the door was subtle, but once it was there, he went from 20 to about a 120 in a second, which kind of answered her question, and not in a good way.


We long ago gave each other hall passes, which have gone unused by choice. It would be something new to us, but lately she is thinking the idea of having a few select single guys for the occasional romp in the hay might be something she is interested in and I don't care at all as long as she is safe and happy. After this guy ramped it up so fast though, we both agreed that he seems the perfect choice in all ways but one - he isn't a swinger, or not that we are aware and he hasn't hinted at it. Not being a swinger, we just don't trust him to know what the score is, where he fits into things, and how to value discretion. She has told him she is very happily married, has been for a long time now, and fully intends to stay that way.


Being where we live, and that he is a talker and part of the local crowd, we decided it is just not worth the risk. After talking about that, the only option we really see is going to the larger towns and trying to find a single male swinger there. But, you are back to square one on the sorting out process to even find someone you might like, and given the logistics involved, even checking out some possibilities would be a time intensive deal, which is something we don't have a lot of. So, that makes things difficult.


We're still thinking on it, but her comment at the end of this conversation was "I hate this town!"

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Ugh. I've never lived in a small town but in the past I have heard about how great small towns are because everyone knows each other and can have each others backs. But it seems that if you steer from the norm in any way small towns are not the place to live. I hope you two can find a way to make things work out--small town or big city.

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You have, I believe, made the correct decision.


I know that a blog is just a place where you like to tell people what's going on in your lives and it is not the place where you seek advice. But I will make this comment. A couple of my wife's man-friends live one- or two- hour drive away. They don't mind "going the distance" to visit her. But then again, we are on rather an impersonal basis with the people who live around us and nobody much cares that different (strange) cars are in the driveway on different days. I suppose in a small town that would be noticed.

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I was raised in a small town. Everyone does know everyone as well as everyone's business. Ms ? stay at home housewife knew all and told all ( except how much she liked sucking cock while hubby was in the field ). She enjoyed most of the teenage guys on our road.

You sound like a great couple to hang out with and have some fun. If near me I would enjoy a dinner, drinks

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