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Hi everyone! Sorry it's been a while since our last post, but we have 4 kids. Need I say more? :eek:


Quite a bit has happened since my last post. Amy and her boy toy had a good time. After 2 false starts, I also went and played with his wife. We had fun as well. But, we both came to the realization that playing separate is really not for us. Don't get me wrong, sex is like pizza. Even when it isn't great, it's not bad. But we had a few issues arise out of it. Nothing serious, but enough to tell us that playing together is the way to go.


Now for those of you who have been following our adventures, you know that we are about experience collecting. So even though playing separately is not for us, at least we can say, "been there, done that." After all, the whole point is to have stories to tell our grandkids someday (well, maybe not)


Now for the latest. Aforementioned boy toy is coming down tomorrow to help me treat Amy to a nice, comfy MFM. Amy has wanted to try a DP, so she gets her wish tomorrow. She's excited and nervous all rolled up into one. I think it's adorable. ::P:


After that, we will be on hiatus until April. We are attending the big C4P sponsored party weekend in Hot Springs AR with Spa City Connections. Looks to be a hell of a wild time, since the major hotel there looks like almost a complete takeover. There are about 200 couples registered, so I like our chances. :D


Oh, and on another really cool note, we are being interviewed by John and Allie from Swingercast later this week. Don't know what episode we will be on, but stay tuned!


On a personal note, sorry we've been away Susan, but we are back once again!


I'll have more later, but my kids are beating each other up, so I need to go for now. :lol:

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I'm looking for inspiration today and reading your blog is a (pick me up) today. Thanks you guys, for sharing a part of your life here.

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