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A Brief History of Swinging: How we moved on to an open relationship...

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As is the case with many swinging couples, we started out wanting to do everything together. We had read that this was just a better way to go about things. The couple that swings together stays together :)


But, as our talking evolved it started to become clear that our motivations in swinging were quite different. In fact, the whole topic stated with my admission that I wanted something that Kermit couldn't provide - breasts (among other things). Kermit also wanted some things that I just wasn't interested in - one example being anal sex. The more we talked the more we started to feel that we weren't really interested in putting a we-must-be-together restriction on ourselves. Now, I understand that for couples that operate this way it's not a restriction at all; it's what they want. For us, however, it did feel like a restriction and we aren't in the habit of restricting each other.


Since it's been a few years, I'm finding it difficult to remember the exact sequence of events. It seems to me that it started when we got into the practice of seducing people we knew. Not close friends so much as acquaintances. For us, this proved to be much more effective than ad sites. I think many people find the things that involve face to face meeting right away are more efficient than the ad sites. We aren't really club goers so seducing our friends seemed like the best option.

Over the next couple of years we explored a number of fantasies both together and apart. Kermit had no trouble finding someone who was interested in anal sex, as it turns out. Other notable conquests were my seduction of a single female friend of ours. I do actually consider this a conquest as it was something I worked on for some time. It started with nice words here and there, followed by touches that lasted just a little bit longer. Weeks later there was hand holding and more overt flirting. Then one day I invited her over for some drinks. She had two drinks and we both decided that that was certainly[/] far to much and she couldn't drive home. She would have to stay over. We climbed into bed. She had never been with a woman before but I did know she was curious. I didn't want to make the first move as I didn't want to scare her. After about an hour of lying next to her, I took off my top and said, "Gosh! It's hot in here." She replied that yes in fact it did seem quite hot and she removed her top as well. We lay silently together for what seemed like a very long time. Inching closer and closer together. Finally she kissed me and the deal was made. The tension was broken and we essentially jumped on each other.

Kermit and I each had other lovers on the side. We also continued to meet couples through our online ad. Somehow we just didn't manage to make a connection with any of those people though. We did continue to see our mentor couple as well. Things were quite comfortable. Up to this point, when we had sex apart from each other, it was always with singless. Then one day, Kermit hooked up alone with a married woman...


... stay tuned for the third and final installment of "A Brief History of Swinging: The Miss Piggy and Kermit Edition" in which I will move on to the exciting and confusing world of polyamoury.



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You know when this is the last post of a long time poster, you gotta wonder how it all turned out.

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