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The beauty of the human body

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I got an email the other day from a friend about a photographer named Lucy Hilmer who took a topless picture of herself every year since 1974. I sort of remember reading about it on this forum and indeed it was posted by two4youinswva about a year ago. Some of the photos include her daughter from a baby to a teenager.


It affected me more this time around than when I read the post a year ago. The pictures are beautiful, regardless of how old Hilmer is. I started looking through my own photos. We take a nudist-type holiday at least once a year with my sister's family. Sometimes to a nude beach, sometimes to a nude resort, and sometimes just renting a house with a pool in Hawaii and going skinny dipping. As I looked at these vacation photos again, but this time through the years, I see the changes to my own body. As my niece and nephew develop physically into young adults, gravity seems to take hold of my own body. My sister is worse off after two kids but still look great for her age.


Perhaps it's my mid-life crisis talking, but I got a bit sad about aging. I used to eat whatever I want and not gain any weight. Now I have to watch what I eat and exercise. The comparison is most dramatic in pictures where my niece and I stand side by side. And then something hit me: I take this body for granted. It usually performs flawlessly despite its complexity. Now that I am older, I ache more, my knees crack when I stand up, I get heartburn eating fried foods, my back gets stiff if I don't sleep right. It's no longer that well-tuned machine that doesn't require maintenance.


I try to find some positive though. For one thing, I am now happy I have small boobs. They don't sag and there is less for gravity to take hold of. I was always jealous of my sister's C-cup and she used to make fun of me endlessly in high school. But now I have a comeback: "sure you have a C-cup but mine are not down at my waist!"


I am going to take care of this body. It's the only one I have. And it is beautiful.

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In caring for the body I am learning it is all about nutrition and avoiding a lot of different foods. Using oils is good and after years of bad information we are now getting better information and supplements are now a must. When I was growing up liver was on the menu about once a month, i never knew why. I like live and onions and after doing the research now I know why. And especially for women iodine is a must, it works for guys too.


Eating well is not eating a lot and I was programmed to eat a lot as a kid. Obesity and eating the wrong things make it that much harder than it should be and we ignore the hormonal side of things far too much. Doctors are pretty much useless when it comes to nutrition and problems caused by malnutrition. Missing nutrients cause a lot of problems doctors mask over with pills. Fast food is now pretty much off the menu.


Gravity wins every time, butts sag along with boobs and the rest of us. Never compare yourself to others, only to yourself and know it is all good.

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Getting old can be depressing sometimes if you over think it. I've had some similar feelings lately. Yes, even men can worry about this stuff. As a couple getting older (early 40s), we we are mindful to be healthy and active. We also find that as we age we are still mostly attracted to people our own age. When we attend local hotel parties or travel to Hedo, we see see a large and friendly representation of 60 year olds having the time of their lives and making great memories. For us it's comforting to know that if we take care of ourselves and are lucky enough to enjoy good health, we will have a happy life and many years left to make memories in the lifestyle. That's just my perspective, of course. I've always been attracted to older women so there's plenty of people like myself that think you look better than ever.



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